第 5 2 卷 第 4 期 2021年 4 月
V o l.52 N o.4 A p r. 2021建 筑技术路级石色智_公石_所级公 电公石色与家院家理质•447-长螺旋钻孔压灌空心粧(夹 芯 粧 )成粧技术研究梁 朋 , 唐 娅 , 李栋森, 匡焰军,白雪( 德 成 建 设 集 团 有 限 公 司 ,4 1 5 0 0 0 , 湖 南 常 德 )摘 要:长螺旋钻孔空心桩(夹 芯 桩 )是一种新型变截面现浇混凝土复合桩体。由于砂石混合泥浆对新
受力承台下的桩数量将减少,其承台体量相应缩小等。其结构合理、综合效益显著。关 键 词:沉管夹芯;桩径扩大;余土利用;成桩连续中图分类号: TU 71 文献标志码: A 文 章 编 号 :1000-4726(2021)04-0447-04绿色有色科绿限究 所地 家筑石色市智所绿与筑地鹿 庄色限究地所石所鹿泉 所智 石所地鹿 有家筑绿科石 址绿筑石石筑地鹿 家绿色有有系
鹿绿所院庄筑地鹿 科地址 筑绿绿筑鹿科庄筑所地 究所石石所能 家筑石色 甲有科地址能筑限究 家筑石色屋动地家安西 资路与区色 邮家安西 址能色 动地 政泉与区司采路与色 购有家安西 址能与司智公与色 机家地 甲公路箱西公石色公与理 Construction Group Co., Ltd., 415000, Changde, Hu'nan, China)科槐安西省路号西级 Long spiral drilling press-grouting and irrigation hollow pile (sandwich pile) is a new
type of cast-in-place concrete composite pile with variable section. Due to the sand and stone mixed
mud has effectively protected the wall o f the newly casted concrete cylinder, the sandwich pile which
is continuous construction is formed after the pipe is pulled out. The rear-sinking pipe enlarges the
pile diameter and improves the bearing capacity o f single pile. In-place use o f redundant soil to
make mixed sand and stone mud is refilled into the pipe. It saves concrete and reduces the transport
o f redundant soil to the outside and pollution. Because the bearing capacity o f single pile increases,
the number o f piles under the bearing cap o f the original pile will be decreased, correspondingly
its pile cap volume decreased and so on. Its structure is reasonable and its comprehensive benefit is
dramatic.VESIT5CUr sinking pipe sandwich; expansion o f pile diam eter; utilization o f redundant soil;
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