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模袋混凝土在汉江雅口航运枢纽一期围堰中的应用(论文).pdf 第1页
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2023·11·Building Construction 2322 模袋混凝土在汉江雅口航运枢纽一期围堰中的应用 郭玉涛 1 李润杰 2 陈志晧 1 1. 中国葛洲坝集团市政工程有限公司 湖北 宜昌 443002; 2. 湖南省水利水电勘测设计规划研究总院有限公司 湖南 长沙 410007 摘要: 结合汉江雅口航运枢纽工程实际情况,通过研究河道护坡、外海护岸、高速公路护坡、港湾码头护坡护岸等模 袋混凝土护坡工程实践,创造性地提出了用模袋混凝土护坡代替一期围堰防冲刷段的钢筋石笼和雷诺护坡,成功解决 了工程工期紧、任务重、块石资源匮乏的问题,属于大型水利水电工程中的首次应用,对大型围堰防护工程的发展起 到了促进作用。 关键词: 航运枢纽;模袋混凝土;防冲刷;防护工程 中图分类号: T U 998 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1004- 1001(2023)11- 2322-0 4 DOI: 1 0.1 4144/j. c nki. jz sg .2 023.1 1.0 51 Application of Bagged Concrete in First-stage Cofferdam of Yakou Shipping Hub of Hanjiang River GUO Yutao 1 LI Runjie 2 CHEN Zhihao 1 1. Gezhouba Group Foundation Engineering Co., Ltd., Yichang 443002, Hubei, China; 2. Hunan Water Resources and Hydropower Survey, Design, Planning and Research Co., Ltd., Changsha 410007, Hunan, China Abstract: In combination with the actual situation of Yakou Shipping Hub Project of Hanjiang River, and based on the study of the engineering practices of river revetment, outer sea revetment, highway revetment and harbor revetment with bagged concrete, it is creatively proposed to replace the reinforced gabions and Reynolds revetments in the anti- scouring section of the first-stage cofferdam with bagged concrete revetments. It successfully solves the problems of tight construction period, heavy tasks and lack of stone resources, belongs to the first application in large-scale water conservancy and hydropower projects, and plays a role in promoting the development of large-scale cofferdam protection projects. Keywords: s h ip pin g h ub ; b ag ged c oncre te ; a nti- s