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支洞转软岩深埋超大异形断面低瓦斯洞室施工技术研究(论文).pdf 第1页
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· 65· 支洞转软岩深埋超大异形断面 低瓦斯洞室施工技术研究 龙小海 (渝黔铁路有限责任公司,重庆 400000)    [摘 要 ] 重庆至黔江铁路站前2标,位于重庆市渝中区、南岸区境内,线路整体跨越浅丘、河谷、低 山地貌,线路长度为19.155 km,重难点控制性工程为重庆长江隧道11 942 m( 3 845 m盾构)。重庆长江隧道 为双线特长隧道,按Ⅰ级高风险隧道管理,该隧道是渝黔公司确定的全线12项重难点工程之一。其中,盾 构组装洞位于隧道关键线路上,该洞室的施工进度对本标段的工期具有重大影响;隧洞围岩控制常因工程 特点不同而出现新问题,特别对于超大断面、长隧洞而言,由于其埋深变化大、穿越地层的地质条件复杂 多变,其设计与施工均是一个受多因素影响的复杂过程。对于隧洞施工部位,围岩开挖和变形通常是相互 制约、相互影响的耦联关系,如何能够快速、安全地进洞施工,逐步成为隧洞工程建设领域的关键问题。    [关键词 ] 盾构机组装洞;超大断面;进洞施工    [中图分类号]  TU 74     [文献标志码]  A     [文章编号]  1001 -523X (2023 )07-0065 -03 STUDY ON CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY OF LOW GAS CAVERN WITH EXTRA-LARGE SPECIAL-SHAPED SECTION AND DEEP BURIED IN SOFT ROCK FROM ADIT Long Xiao-hai    [Abstract ] The front section 2 of Chongqing-Qianjiang railway station is located in yuzhong district and nan'an district of chongqing. The whole line crosses shallow hills, river valleys and low mountains. the line length is 19. 155 km. The key and difficult control project is 11942 m(3845 m shield)of Chongqing Yangtze river tunnel. Chongqing Yangtze river tunnel is a double-track extra-long tunnel, which is managed according to Class I high- risk tunnel, and is one of the 12 key and difficult projects of the whole line determined by Chongqing and Guizhou Railway Company. Among them, the shield assembly tunnel is located on the key line of the tunnel, and the construction progress of the tunnel chamber has a significant impact on the construction period of this bid section ; tunnel surrounding rock control often presents new problems due to different engineering characteristics, especially for super large cross-section and long tunnels, because of the large variation of buried depth and the complex and changeable geological conditions of the crossing strata, its design and construction are a complex process affected by multiple factors. For the construction part of the tunnel, the excavation and deformation of surrounding rock is often a coupling relationship that restricts and affects each other. How to enter the tunnel quickly and safely has gradually become a key issue in the field of tunnel engineering construction.    [Keywords ] tunnel installation by shield machine; extra large section; tunnel construction 1 工程概况 新建重庆至黔江铁路站前工程CQQJZQ –2 标,重 庆长江隧道盾构组装洞位于 3号斜井工区低瓦斯段, 全长5 0 m ,其中一般段1 5 m ,下沉段3 5 m ,断面高度 24.18 ~29.96 m ,全段位于半径为140 0 m 的左偏缓和 曲线上,设计纵坡为 30‰的上坡,埋深约149.2 3 m , 围岩设计为泥岩夹砂岩、砂岩夹页岩,泥岩夹砂岩 层中地下水不发育,一般以滴、渗水为主,局部厚 层砂岩地段可以出