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E n g in e e rin g a n d T ec h n o lo g y)-xwp4
Building Technology Development ? ??? ????)-@445K<??u? ???H ? ? ? ? w ? H r s t v □ C C C E L I ?AD ?针对中国、美国和欧盟的建筑地基基础设计规范,从设计原则、参数取值以及计算方法方面,对比分析了土体分
表明中标更为保守。[ 关 键 词 ]规 范对比;地 基 ;计 算 方 法 :承栽力[ 中 图 分 类 号 ]T U71 [ 文 献 标 志 码 ]B [ 文 章 编 号 ] 1001-523X (2021) 08-0 0 9 (M)5关加2立5术5开-加0 加0 》《疚-玫0 和立《了-沭-了5开-加0 加沭 与筑-.技-0玫 成加筑0技5开-加0 加沭
China, America and European UnionX u C ui-cui ?Abstract ] From the aspects o f design principle, parameter value and calculation method, this paper compares and analyzes the
soil classification, the calculation o f foundation bearing capacity and the calculation o f extended foundation punching and shearing
in Design Specification o f Building Foundation among the PRC, the US and the EU. The results show that the classification o f soils
in the PRC, the US and the EU is divided into giant, coarse and fine grains, and the size division is similar. In the calculation of
foundation bearing capacity, the PRC considers the correction o f foundation width and buried depth, the EU needs to reduce the internal
friction angle, and the US needs to consider the impact o f safety factor. The results show that the PRC is more conservative, the
EU is the second, and the US is the largest. In the calculation o f extended foundation punching and shearing, when the foundation
thickness is calculated according to the shearing conditions, the PRC is larger than the EU and the US. When the foundation thickness
is calculated according to the punching conditions, the PRC is larger than the EU and less than the US. It suggests that the PRC is more
conservative.[Keywords ] specification comparison ; foundation ; calculation method ; bearing capacity? ? ? ? ? ? C ?? ? U ? w R^ ? ? ? ` kv ]/T
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( ■m对 比 分 析 了 中 、欧岩土工程设计规范中设计方法和设
计 结 果 的 差 异 。靖 华 [21探讨了欧美规范在确定地基承载力时