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中心城区医院综合楼给排水设计探讨(论文).pdf 第1页
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电总 广 局 电 总 认 2 0 2 1年2月立首届术 E n g in e e rin g a n d T e c h n o lo g y□elTka Building Technology Developmentu{??•?h????>< >{?x??-□e><〉•&( ? p“???y?  CSSSjC??  2  }  Q  u { ?  ? • ? h ? A ? y??U?%??sx ?P???x???!a ?zsDZQ-??5 s?3??? ?y?q?Dcts><□/,??U??2'?o•vlU???%'?)vl??wlU?%?v l > < %>)f??%G ? ? v a > < : ???sx?2'?UK??6sx% ? s x : &???x????2?;C??% L??~?6??%?????????:,? t ? %  u { ?  ? • &? ? U ? &? ? s x &???x???? u (  W ? T U93+1 [ 文 献 标 志 码 ]A [ 文 章 编 号 ] 1001-523X (2020 ) 04-0116~03加期筑苜作筑筑期届强 届强 在卷幵交和 位作开开., 卷强与 加和卷期强卷发交 加交筑期发强 届术 会届4开和交流交强筑期成交 关作期.与期强发 期强会交强幵和卷. 会期幵, 8届筑开期幵卷.事卷建期术 Xing-yu?A b stract] Taking the completed project o f comprehensive building in central city hospital as an example, the problems encountered in the construction phase and solutions were put forward from the three aspects o f two-way water supply, drainage from the house and the same floor drainage without falling board, and summarized related design suggestions. The two-way water supply includes the use o f the pressurized water supply network in the original courtyard, the use o f the high-zone pressurized pipe network to reduce water supply, the addition o f pressurizing equipment, the installation o f high-level water tanks, and the use o f electric heating equipment. Drainage o f households includes the use o f external bread to seal households and switch households. Drainage on the same floor without falling board includes drainage behind appliances, drainage under partial slab encapsulation, and drainage considering barrier-free surface.[Keywords ] central city hospital ; two-way water supply ; drainage ; same-layer drainage without falling boardWv?J?K??“”~yC??)@L„????UK ?? m =u{??U?&~?y?zLFyn ?U ?G?svO?UKUN=zW??U?G?[\[?aP?= 2 ? zs|OT?J=W(-?y?:??r?&?2 KCyw?]sx[\KZ O°=aL ? kwV?? U%[??2=n y} ^12 ?U?G?T?y #`]^-?u?5KN a?3y?q?sPB[\z/=2 ^? ? ?U?G?Su{?y~?qo[?zs?WG ? = q z s ? ~ ? Vhm2, 地 上 2 1 层 ,地 下 3 层 ,总髙度为 9 4 . 4m, 床位421张 ,功能分区如图1所示。屋面层21层会 议 培 训 中 心2 0 ;2国 家 临 床 中 心18~19层重 点 实 验 室17层血 液 科 病 房12~16层肾 脏 科 病 房11层真细 胞 病 房10层1CUp +j? ?&j ?? ? ? ?I?X N ? ?? [ C N n ?A?I? ? h ? ?? z ? -N C ? m ?   ? >i用i(I  ?•?h?|g i r E ?CSCM)9-20作 者 简 介 :匡 星 煜 (1988— ),女 ,上 海 人 ,工 程 师 ,主要研宄方向为建 筑给排水。为了缩短施工周期,地上部分为钢结构,地下为混凝土结构。 2 施 工 配 合 及 思 考2.1 两路供水设计为