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民用建筑工程主体结构钢筋混凝土施工技术要点探析(论文).pdf 第1页
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♦国家新♦闻闻出 2019年11月陆鸿限五 C o n s tru c tio n T e ch n o lo g yOd??/? Building Technology Development??OdVP????????v ?V????????????e@♦??fk<:S123?? C D?GGG? ??????v?V??S?»w?VYBw?'?????.K???OdVP?????Vbk?n ? ? 3?%~???k???a????~?R?&Od????3<??{?????v?V??W>????y? ????OdVP|?5Od????????v?V????8k{????{?k???Vw???????v?d ? -???V??????,?VPOY? 3 ? ? ! ? ? O d "VP????"????vb${T U755 [文献标志码]B [文章编号]丨001-523X (2019) 22-0016^03研郭双 张理.质人工 理监 询郭.质监理建:郭表 测理质:建郭人郭 测理质工人建司:人.理质 限郭:才质理代理北双 监理建 Main Structure of Civil Building EngineeringChen W ei-w ei[ Abstract ] Reinforced concrete construction technology has the advantages o f easy material acquisition, simple construction and low cost, so it has been widely used in the main structure construction o f civil construction engineering. However, failure to achieve reasonable application o f technology will lead to structural cracks and affect the safety o f building use. Based on this understanding, on the basis o f the analysis of reinforced concrete construction technology and problems, combined with civil construction engineering examples, this paper analyzed the key points o f reinforced concrete construction technology o f main structure o f building, and deeply analyzed the key technologies of three links o f formwork construction, steel installation and concrete pouring, provided reference for similar construction.筑 研郭双究理建表工 ] civil building ; main structure o f engineering ; reinforced concrete? ??OdVP????????v?V??{????OdVP ? ? ? ? ? V b ???????v?V ??ow?????v???d3???C?y6??〜 ? ? w????,??~????%?????vC?  ? ? ? ? ???????? ? ? ?\??"3~ A ? ?? ???v????{,D ~ ?Z~?????v?????? ??v??3???Odb????|?~???v??? ??w?????Y????t???8??v?N3= 5 O d ? ? ? ? ?[ ? efIVL?V???G????V ? ? ?j%\、VP?VM83D ??OdVP????????v?V>?hp???OdVP????????v?V(?6??? ? ? R>??S?#3? , O d?????£?~?Ra ??Od?,&?Odv??P?#??L??3y? ??vS ?????e?? ` ????e_???? $ » ! ?%?/?Va????<?UVw? ? we? ??<V&~?R3 ? ? ??Od~»!D?f>?????  ??? ??? ?VP?VM8D?f?OX?????R L#3/ ? ???Od????v?Vo%<e?DG??? ? ? | ???/??e ? ? ???,?S?)??8L #??$?R??????????3? ? ?? ? ? ? ? v ? V N ? ?Yy?? D ? k w?? ?p? k D ? ? R " w??v??QQ?G~<V???H a???V M 8 D ? f ?OX@????R3??????Q 7 ? N aDG??GIDG? 1 Y Z a? ? ? ????G ?? [ ?? ? ?  m ?V P ( ?? ? h ? ? ? , V P f k 3???v??Yyb?i?^???????Yy[_, ??????~??Q)??   ? ? < b ? ?? Na6£"&?3? ? ? ? p ? k ? ?#??p<b?£ -Q ) ?a ? ? , Q)??—?D???N8UV?? ??????RL#3? ? ? v?d???uVH? ? ??'?o ???0??v???8?d?V???? ?vb? ?8D?E??X 6 e ?S.L????Pb <??QQ?#??3%xT{J?Pa????< ???,—?_,e???? ?  ~/?>?3=5   > ? ?[???qVP????????v?V ????8S????OX????R>??/nk3? ??OdVP????????v?V?????T? VP(??VP,??????Od???D ? ? ?e L ?? ?ey ? ?  ? ?z ? ?UTUm, 占地4 568m2,总 建 筑 面 积 36540m2。 工程主体结构为钢筋混凝土框架筒体结构,5 层以上为标准层, 层 高 3.6m,剪 力