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填海区淤泥地层盖挖逆作地下结构桩基设计与施工关键技术(论文).pdf 第1页
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·154 · 随着城市建设的飞速发展,为充分利用城市建设 用地,越来越多的地下停车场、地下商业广场等地下 结构在填海淤泥地层中建造。淤泥地层为静水或缓慢 的流水环境中沉积,并经生物化学作用形成,具有含 水量高、压缩性高、孔隙比高和天然密度低、抗剪强 度低、承载力低的工程特性。淤泥地层不应直接作为 填海区淤泥地层盖挖逆作地下 结构桩基设计与施工 关键技术 李文武,张 驰 (中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司,成都 610031)    [摘 要]  大面积填海区淤泥地层基坑变形较难控制,支撑设置较难处理,盖挖逆作工法可以有效解 决这个问题。淤泥地层天然含水率高、孔隙比大,地基处理的工法或施工控制不当,容易产生较大的工后 沉降,导致运营期间难以整改。以深圳地铁13号线内湖停车场项目为背景,重点针对填海淤泥地层盖挖逆 作地下结构桩基受力分析、桩基施工工艺、临时立柱兼永久柱施工精度控制等关键问题进行了研究,构建 了针对深厚淤泥地区基坑“盖挖逆作+ 疏桩基础+复合地基”的综合安全技术体系,盖挖逆作工法确保了深 大基坑的水平变形控制要求;疏桩基础+ 复合地基既解决了淤泥施工过程承载力要求,以及盖挖逆作工法 的承载力要求,同时满足地下停车场运营期间的承载力和沉降变形要求,研究成果可为同类工程提供参考 借鉴。    [关键词] 盖挖逆作;填海淤泥地层;桩基受力;临时立柱兼永久柱;精度控制;沉降控制    [中图分类号]  TU 473.1      [文献标志码]  B      [文章编号]  1001 -523X (2022 )06-0154 -05 KEY TECHNOLOGY OF PILE FOUNDATION DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION FOR TOP-DOWN CONSTRUCTION OF UNDERGROUND STRUCTURE IN SILT STRATUM OF RECLAMATION AREA Li Wen-wu, Zhang Chi    [Abstract ] It is difficult to control the deformation of the foundation pit and to deal with the support in the silt stratum in the large-area reclamation area. Due to the high natural water content, large pore ratio and improper foundation treatment or construction control, large post-construction settlement is easy to occur, which makes it difficult to rectify during operation. Based on the Shenzhen Metro Line 13 Neihu parking lot project, the paper focuses on the study of the key problems such as the stress analysis of the deep foundation underground structure, the construction technology of the pile foundation, the construction precision control of the temporary column and the permanent column, etc., and a comprehensive safety technical system of "top-down construction + sparse pile foundation + composite foundation" for foundation pit in deep and thick silt area is constructed, and the sparse pile foundation + composite foundation not only solves the requirements of the bearing capacity during the construction of silt and the top-down construction method, but also satisfies the requirements of the bearing capacity and settlement deformation during the operation of the underground parking lot. The research results can provide reference for similar projects.    [Keywords ] top-down method of cover excavation; mud stratum of sea reclamation;pile foundation bearing force;temporary and permanent post pile ;precision control ;settlement control 结构地基基础持力层,淤泥地层桩