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智能张拉机器人的研发与应用(论文).pdf 第1页
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建筑施工 · 第45卷 · 第6期 1263 SCIENTIFI RESEARCH 究 研 学 科 智能张拉机器人的研发与应用 廖嵘 李建强 谢运灵 梁苡铭 杨帆 张振麒 柳州泰姆预应力机械有限公司 广西 柳州 545000 摘要:在预制梁张拉预应力施工中,通常需要人工使用葫芦吊将千斤顶移动至预制梁前端穿钢绞线,存在着劳动强度 大、效率低、人身安全隐患等问题。为此,开发了以自动化替代人工操作的智能张拉机器人。采用伺服电机精确控制 X 、Y、Z 三个方向的移动和 A 轴转动;使用超声波传感器和倾角传感器测量相关角度,采用激光测距传感器通过三点定 位圆心的定位技术,实现了千斤顶定位钢绞线中心;考虑到因工作锚板端面与钢绞线不垂直,张拉时会造成千斤顶会 上下摆动,设计了释放千斤顶自由度的机构;设计开发了一套人机界面操作系统便于工人操控。智能张拉机器人研制 完成并交付制梁场使用后,得到了用户的一致好评。 关键词:预制梁;机器人;自动化;激光测距;张拉设备;自由度释放 中图分类号: TU689 文献标志码: A 文章编号:1004-1001(2023)06-1263-05 DOl:10.14144/j.cnki.jzsg.2023.06.060 R&DandApplicatior of Tensioning Robot ntell LIAO Rong LI Jianqiang XIEYunling g LIANG Yiming g YANG Fan ZHANGZhenqi Liuzhou Taimu Prestressing Force Machinery Co., Ltd., Liuzhou 545000, Guangxi, China Abstract: In the prestressed construction of precast beams, it is usually necessary to manually use a hoist to move the jack to the front end of the precast beam to pass through steel strands, which poses problems such as high labor intensity, low efficiency, and potential safety hazards. Therefore, an intelligent tensioning robot is developed to replace manual operation with automation. A servo motor is used to accurately control the movement in the X, Y, and Z directions and the rotation of the A-axis; using the ultrasonic sensors and inclination sensors to measure the relevant angles and using the positioning technology of using laser ranging sensors to locate the center of a circle through three points, the central positioning of steel strand of jack is achieved; Considering that the end face of the working anchor plate is not perpendicular to the steel strand, which may cause the jack to swing up and down during tensioning, a mechanism was designed to release the freedom of the jack; a human-machine interface operating system is designed and developed to facilitate worker control. After the development of the intelligent Tensioning robot is completed and delivered to the beam production site for use, it receives unanimous praise from users. Keywords: precast beams; robot; automation; laser ranging; tensioning equipment; degrees of freedom release 随着我国建筑业的迅猛发展,公路和铁路以及桥梁建 设越来越多,智慧梁场的建设更是趋于成熟,智慧梁场建 设有助于实现管理工作的标准化、精细化和科学化!。其 中,预制梁施工技术也有了长足进步[ 2-3] ,制梁质量和生产 效率都有了很大提高。然而在预制梁张拉施工过程中,千 斤顶穿钢绞线环节仍处于较低水平,使用张拉穿束支架[ 4] 人工操纵葫芦吊将千斤顶移动至预制梁前端穿钢绞线完成 穿束工作,存在着劳动强度大、效率低、人身安全隐患等 问题。这个环节在技术上和制梁效率上仍是瓶颈问