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深基坑悬体内嵌装配式管片安装技术研究(论文).pdf 第1页
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·2470 · 深基坑悬体内嵌装配式管片安装技术研究 沈文学 (中国铁建重工集团股份有限公司,410100,长沙) 摘 要: 针对某地下车库工程竖井管片提供了一种嵌入式安装衬砌方案,在顶部已有衬砌结构的情况 下,设计新的衬砌方案进行基坑底部的衬砌施工,并设计了一种T形吊装梁,通过该装备将需要衬砌的管片 起吊重心外移 1 m,解决了吊装管片时行车起吊钢丝绳与顶部结构干涉的问题。在操作面顶部有悬体结构的 情况下悬空脱钩操作,进行起吊重心转换并拆卸管片,保持管片拆卸前后吊梁水平。通过加大吊梁自身重量 的方式,实现小重量管片的自卸式安装。顺利完成了基坑底部增加深度范围内管片的内嵌安装,与顶部已衬 砌部分精准对接。 关键词: 地下车库;重心外移;悬体内嵌安装;管片 中图分类号:TU 74 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-4726(2023)20-2470-04 RESEARCH ON INSTALLATION TECHNOLOGY OF EMBEDDED ASSEMBLED SEGMENTS IN SUSPENDED BODY OF DEEP FOUNDATION PIT SHEN Wen-xue (China Railway Construction Heavy Industry Group Co., Ltd., 410100, Changsha, China) Abstract: Provided an embedded lining scheme for the shaft segment of an underground garage project. In case of existing lining structure at the top, designed a new lining scheme for lining construction at the bottom, and designed a T-shaped lifting beam, through which the lifting center of gravity of the segment to be lined was moved outward 1 m, the problem of interference between crane hoisting wire rope and top structure during segment hoisting was solved. Transferred the lifting center of gravity and removed the segments when there was a suspended structure at the top of the operating surface, which was in the suspended state and the hook was loose, keeping the lifting beam horizontal before and after segment removal. Completed the self unloading installation of small weight segments by increasing the weight of the lifting beam. The embedded installation of segments within the range of increased depth at the bottom of the foundation pit was successfully completed, and the segments were accurately docked with the lined parts at the top. Keywords: underground garage; barycenter outward shift; suspension and embedded installation; segment 近年来,随着城市土地供应紧张和汽车保有量逐 年增加,停车难逐渐成为各大城市考虑解决的民生问 题,大深度多层地下停车场项目在多个城市开工建 设。在地下车库竖井的建造中,戴连双等 [1]通过预 制拼装式技术,完成较浅层地下车库基坑衬砌施工; 康增柱等 [2]采用“装配式+自下沉沉井”技术,在 基坑顶部安装预制管片,在基坑底部继续开挖,逐步 下沉,完成装配式沉井建造;姜弘等 [3]利用竖井掘 进机结合预制自动下沉式混凝土管片完成沉井式停车 场竖井衬砌。上述竖井的衬砌施工都是沿一个方向逐 步施工至整体完工的,未涉及初步完工后底部延深开 挖衬砌的问题。另外,在竖井的衬砌施工中,多用到 滑模技术 [4–5] ,滑模技术可实现自下而上的竖井衬砌 施工,为解决竖井自下而上一体衬砌提供了方案。但 其施工污染严重、噪声大,因此多用于公铁路通风竖 井施工。本研究依托某地下车库工程,在已衬砌的竖 井底部延深开挖,在其底部安装衬砌管片。施工工况 特殊,环境复杂,针对性地设计嵌入式安装衬砌方案 与工艺装备,避开顶部结构,完成底部悬体内嵌