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深基坑开挖对邻近边坡影响及对策研究(论文).pdf 第1页
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36 施 工 技 术 C0NSTRUCT10N TECHN0L0GY 2017年 lO月上 第 46卷 第 19期 DOI:10.7672/s鲥s2叭7 190036 深 基 坑 开 挖 对 邻 近 边 坡 影 响 及 对 策 研 究 术 张 才 运 ,彭 成 ,熊 智 彪 ,谷 淡 平 ,夏 彪 ,戴 文 奎 。 (1.南华大学土木工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001; 2.湖南工学院,湖南 衡阳 421002;3.上海筑邦测控科技有限公司,上海 200092) [摘要]就某深基坑开挖对邻近边坡支挡结构影响及对策进行研究。采用 MIDAS GTS对既有边坡加固前的基坑开 挖过程进行有限元模拟 ,通过对既有边坡破坏特征的深入分析,得到基坑开挖时边坡的破坏形态整体上接近悬臂 支护的边坡,针对这一特征对既有边坡采取坡脚加微型桩固脚 、支护桩桩间加锚索强腰以及坡顶加微型桩隔断基 础的加固措施。对既有边坡加固后的基坑开挖过程进行数值模拟,分析表明加固措施对边坡坡顶变形控制效果较 好;对基坑工程开挖的现场监测数据进行分析,表明既有边坡及坡顶建筑物的变形在安全范围内,加固方案科学 可靠。 [关键词]基坑;边坡;加固;数值模拟 [中图分类号]TU753 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002—8498(2017)19—0036—04 The Influence and Counterm easures of Deep Foundation Excavation on the Adjacent Slope ZHANG Caiyun ,PENG Cheng。 , XIONG Zhibiao ,GU Danping ,XIA Biao ,DAI Wenkui (1.Civil Engineering College,University of South China,Hengyang,Hu’nan 421001,China; 2.Hu’nan Institute of Technology,Hengyang,Hu’nan 421002,China; 3.Shanghai ZBMC Science&Technology Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200092,China) Abstract:For the influence and countermeasure of a deep foundation excavation on vicinal slope retaining structures,there is a finite element simulation for the process of excavation before strengthening existing pit slope with MIDAS GTS,and a detailed analysis for the destructive characteristics of existing excavation slope.During excavation,it was obtained that the failure modes of existing excavation slope get close to the slope of cantilever support on the whole,and some strengthening measures can be taken for existing pit slope for this feature,such as adding to micropiles for strengthening the bottom in the toe, adding to cables for supporting the middle part between the anchor pile and adding to micropiles for cutting off the foundation on the top of the hil1.At the same time,there is another numerical simulation for the process of excavation after strengthening existing excavation slope,and it is shown that the reinforcement is better for controlling the deformation of slope on the top of the hil1.After analyzing the data from site monitoring,the results show that the deformation of existing excavation slope and buildings is in a safe range,and the reinforcement is scientific and reliable. Key words:foundation excavation;slope;reinforcement;simulation 0 引 言 随 着城 市 工 程 建 设 的 高 速 发 展 ,深 基 坑 、高 边 坡 工程 不 断涌 现 。在 建 筑 物 密 集 区 ,深 基 坑 的开 挖 湖南省教育厅科研项目(16C1380);湖南省研究生科研创新项目 (CX2016B449);南华大学博士启动基金(2012XQ01);湖南省教育