建 筑 技 术 开 发
Building Technology Development3./7
R o a d s a n d B r id g e sSC z A S K.
2 0 2 1年3月沥青路面施工中离析现象的成因及控制措施探析范利民(中交第三公路工程局有限公司,北京 100621 )[摘 要 ]沥 青 道 路 是 我 国 道 路 交 通 系 统 中 非 常 重 要 的 一 种 形 式 。沥青路面有着噪声低、行车舒适等诸多优点,但受诸多因
素影响可能会在施工中发生离析问题,这对道路的力学性能会产生严重不良影响,甚至发生路面塌陷、破损 等 ,对车辆行驶安
车辆行驶安全可靠。[ 关 键 词 ] 沥 青 路 面 :离 析 现 象 :成 因 分 析 ;控制措施[中 图 分 类 号 ]T U58 ; U416.217 [文 献 标 志 码 ]B [ 文 章 编 号 ] 1001-523X (2021) 05-0125-02论局库批4批 局光第 论技光期收技定 选4局批库收4批 技术 计4刊收4刊局期认技光 认光
Asphalt Pavement ConstructionFan Li-min-Abstract ] Asphalt road is a very important form o f road traffic system in our country. Asphalt pavement has many advantages,
such as low noise and comfortable driving. However, it may cause segregation in the construction due to many factors, which will have
serious adverse effects on the mechanical properties o f the road, even the collapse and damage o f the road surface, which is unfavorable
to the driving safety o f vehicles. Therefore, the construction team needs to attach great importance to the segregation problem in asphalt
pavement construction, and take effective preventive measures to improve the quality level o f asphalt pavement construction) so as to
ensure the safety and reliability o f vehicles.[Keywords ] asphalt pavement ; segregation phenomenon ; cause analysis ; control measures’? ?T? } ~.?t??
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