建筑技术开发 地基与基础 第 4 8 卷 第 9 期
Building Technology Development F o u n d a tio n a n d B a s e m e n t 2021 年5 月双层地基排水减压和基坑降水设计邵丽娟,毕 玲 ,曹仁慈( 江苏省岩土工程公司,南 京 210018)[摘要]相较于普通的地基结构,双层地基更容易出现因渗透而引起的变形破坏问题。因此,在进行双层地基设计与施工
水减压与基坑降水设计展开探究。[关键词]双 层 地 基 ;排 水 减 压 ;降水设计[中图分类号]T U984 ; T V551.4 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1001-523X (2021) 09-0159-02遴逢技期计据 (文 遴卷术期据术计逢 遴逢源(学疾卷逢技技期(据 术据选 筑(第据选术统期(据
Pit Dewatering for Double-layer FoundationShao Li-ju a n, Bi L in g, Cao Ren-ciAbstract ] Compared with ordinary foundation structure, double-layer foundation is more prone to deformation and damage due
to infiltration. Therefore, the drainage and dewatering treatment o f the foundation must be done well in the design and construction o f the
double-layer foundation. A brief analysis of the structural characteristics o f double-layer foundation is made using investigation method,
experiment method, literature method,etc” and then how to design double-layer foundation drainage decompression and foundation pit
dewatering is explored, which hopes to provide some theoretical reference for related practical work.[Keywords ] double-layer foundation ; drainage decompression ; dewatering design= ? ? ? j )? ? ? ? ` H ? ? ? ? q ? ` ? )X
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