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中国馆地道风系统应用与施工(论文).pdf 第1页
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·1724 · 中国馆地道风系统应用与施工 左伦源, 刘柯彤, 田冬立, 储著京, 刘少伟, 宋永威 (北京城建集团有限责任公司,100088,北京) 摘 要:2019 年中国北京世界园艺博览会是我国承办的国际级别最高的 A1类世界园艺盛会,作为世 园会标志性建筑——中国馆,采用建筑覆土的手法,将主要展厅覆盖于梯田之下,在梯田内环中设有埋深 9 m、管径 2 m的大型地道风系统,该系统利用地表浅层土壤温度变化幅度小、蓄热能力强等特点,能够起 到自然换热、防污染、高效利用能源的效果。结合工程特点合理进行管道变形分析,验算确定其材质选用 HDPE 复合钢带增强螺旋波纹管,严格把控管道连接、加固及回填措施,详细介绍了地道风系统施工中的注 意事项,旨在进一步规范地道风施工操作要领。 关键词:地道风系统;复合钢带增强螺旋波纹管;施工技术 中图分类号:TU 17 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-4726(2022)12-1724-04 deep appliCation of bim in China pavilion prpjeCt ZUO Lun-yuan, LIU Ke-tong, TIAN Dong-li, CHU Zhu-jing, LIU Shao-wei, SONG Yong-wei (Beijing Urban Construction Group Co., Ltd., 100088, Beijing, China) a bstract: The 2019 China Beijing International Horticultural Exposition is the world’s highest– level A1 world horticultural event hosted by China.As the landmark building of the World Horticultural Exposition – China Pavilion, the main exhibition halls are covered under the terraces by the method of building soil covering.There is a large–scale tunnel wind system with a buried depth of 9 meters and a pipe diameter of 2 meters in the ring of the terraces.The system utilizes the characteristics of small changes in the temperature of the shallow soil on the surface and strong heat storage capacity, which can play a role in natural heat exchange, pollution prevention and efficient utilization of energy.Combined with the engineering characteristics, this paper reasonably analyzes the pipe deformation, checks and determines its material, selects HDPE steel belt reinforced spiral bellows, and the pipeline connection, reinforcement and backfilling measures are strictly controlled. Meanwhile, this paper introduces the precautions in the construction of tunnel air system in detail, aiming to further standardize the essentials of tunnel air construction. Keywords: tunnel air system; enhanced steel belt spiral bellows; construction technology 1 工程概况 1.1 项目简介 中国馆落于长城脚下,妫水河畔,是 2019年中 国北京世界园艺博览会核心景观区的标志性建筑,其 外观灵感来自于传统吉祥物——如意,采用建筑覆土 的手法,将主要展厅覆盖于梯田之下,梯田上的金色 屋顶笼罩着锦绣繁花,尽显一派盛世恢弘,传递大国 气象。场馆位于山水园艺轴中部,紧邻中华展园,北 侧为妫 汭湖及演艺中心,西侧为山水园艺轴及植物馆, 东侧为千翠池和国际馆,南侧为世园区主入口。 中国馆总建筑面积 23 000 m 2,地上14 902 m 2, 地下 8 098 m 2,建筑占地面积 7 912 m 2,地上2层(局 部夹层),地下 1层,建筑高度 23.8 m,构架最高处 36 m,由下沉水院、展厅、多功能厅、室外梯田等组成。 中国馆地道风系统为管道串联式、进风开式系 统 [1],共计两组,分别对称设置于地下室下沉水院东 西两侧。每组地道风均为双层管道,其上层管道中心 标高为 –4.400 m,下层管道中