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空气–水双热源复合热泵系统性能试验(论文).pdf 第1页
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·16· 空气– 水双热源复合热泵系统性能试验 徐俊芳 1,2 ,  赵耀华 1,  王皆腾 2,  赵会刚 2, 李  楠 2 (1. 北京工业大学建筑工程学院,100022,北京;2. 北京市住房和城乡建设科学技术研究所,100021,北京)   摘 要 :利用恒温恒湿环境仓模拟室外环境条件,对空气 –水 双热源复合热泵系统的单水源制热、单空 气源制热和空气 –水双热源制热 3种运行模式在不同环境温度和湿度 、低温水箱水温、水流量等参数条件下 的系统性能系数 COP 进行分析研究,试验结果表明:单水源制热模式系统随低温水箱水温的升高呈上升趋 势;单空气源制热时空气温度变化对系统 COP 影响较大;蒸发器进风温度和进水温度的有效温差是空气 – 水双热源制热时影响从空气侧和水侧同时获取热量的关键因素。    关键词:空气 –水双热源;复合热泵;系统性能;运行模式    中图分类号: TU 111.48 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1000 -4726(2019)01 -0016 -04 PERFORMANCE EXPERIMENTS FOR AIR-W ATER DUAL-SOURCE COMPOSITE HEAT PUMP SYSTEM XU Jun-fang 1,2, ZHAO Yao-hua 1, WANG Jie-teng 2, ZHAO Hui-gang 2, LI Nan 2 (1.College of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, 100022, Beijing, China; 2.Beijing Science and Technology Institute of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, 100021, Beijing, China) Abstract: This paper used environmental chamber to simulate outdoor environmental conditions and analyzed system performance coefficient COP of air-water dual source compound heat pump system under three different operation modes, including single water source heating, single air source heating and air-water dual source heating, at different ambient temperature and humidity, water temperature and water flow of low temperature water tank. The test result showed that single water source heating mode COP became larger when the water temperature of low temperature water tank increased; air temperature variation of single air source heating had big influence on system COP; valid temperature difference between