Building Technology DevelopmentK5OT
E n g in e e rin g a n d T e c h n o lo g y^n p i ^ n E
2 0 2 1年2月狭小场地下钢平台施工技术的可行性研究与运用王九龙,李 梅(中建一局集团建设发展有限公司,北 京 100000)[摘要]超高层建筑多位于城市繁华地带,周围环境复杂,基坑深度大,施工场地狭小,材料堆放及施工车辆停靠困难,
有借鉴意义。[ 关 键 词 ]超 高 层 ;钢 平 台 ;施工场地;材料堆放[中 图 分 类 号 ]T U761.6 [文 献 标 志 码 ]B [ 文 章 编 号 ] 1001-523X (2021) 04-0113-03立交卷筑期集期.期幵, 位幵作与, 卷强与 第开开.期苜卷幵期届强 届术 位幵交交. 相.卷幵术届和4
Construction Technology Under Narrow SiteDzif Jiu-long, L i Mei?Abstract ] Most o f the super high-rise buildings are located in the prosperous areas o f the city, the surrounding environment
is complex, the depth o f the foundation pit is large, the construction site is narrow, and the material stacking and construction
vehicles are difficult to park. This article adopts the method o f adding a steel structure platform to successfully solve the problem o f tight
construction site. The smooth implementation o f the entire project has laid a good foundation, which is o f reference significance for
similar projects in the future.有 的交,业届和与筑 ] super high-rise ; steel platform ; construction site ; material stacking2>yZ[ ? ? ? ? K g g y?°