第 4 8 卷 第 14期
2 0 2丨年7月♦国校研
B u ild in g E n e rg y C o n s e rv a tio n7WlM,"
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Energy-saving Technology in Building ConstructionJia H ong-tao[ Abstract ] The energy-saving technology o f external wall insulation is still a big problem in the field o f building. Therefore, the
research on the topic about specific application o f building external wall insulation energy-saving technology in building construction is
carried out, and from the material selection, construction environment, glass fiber grid laying, polystyrene lath pasting, plastering
layer construction and other aspects, some application strategies are put forward, which plays a reference significance for application o f
external wall insulation energy-saving technology.[Keywords ] external wall ; thermal insulation ; energy-saving? ? ( 0 ? ? H O ? W ? 7J, ? ? ? ? F ? h v 7?
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