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医院洁净空调风量在管道中的衰减实证研究(论文).pdf 第1页
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·2658 · 医院洁净室包括手术室、ICU、生化实验室及辅助用房等,这些区域要求房间内灰尘与细菌数总 量保持在较低水平,以防止感染的发生和传播,为 保证人员的舒适度,还要进一步加热(制冷)和加湿, 由设置在专门机房的组合空调机组( Air Handling 医院洁净空调风量在管道中的衰减实证研究 严流桥 1,2,刘 军 1 (1. 贵州建工集团有限公司,550001,贵阳;2. 贵州大学研究生院,550025,贵阳) 摘 要:医院洁净室空调风量参数对灰尘与细菌数量影响极大,影响风量的主要因素包括过滤器阻力、 风管沿程阻力和风管部件形式造成的阻力,在当前设计中,由于风管部件形式通常要在施工中才能明确,风 管部件造成的阻力因素主要依赖于设计人员的经验确定,因设计不足导致的问题影响深远。通过试验收集不 同部件形式下的风量衰减数据,以检查某医院组合空调设计参数是否符合要求,实证结果得到各方认可。 关键词:医院洁净室;净化空调;风量衰减;实证研究 中图分类号:TU 745.5 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000–4726(2023)21–2658–04 empirical stuDy on the air v olume attenuation in pipes of hospital clean air conDitioning Ya N Liu-qiao 1,2, LIu Jun 1 (1.Guizhou Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd., 550001, Guiyang, China; 2.Graduate School of Guizhou University, 550025, Guiyang, China ) abstract: The air volume parameters of the air conditioning in the clean room of the hospital have a great impact on the dust and bacteria quantity. The main factors affecting the air volume include the resistance of the filter, the resistance along the air duct and the resistance caused by the form of the air duct components. In the current design, the resistance factors caused by the air duct components mainly depend on the experience of the designers, and the problems caused by inadequate design have a far-reaching impact. Since the form of air duct components is usually clear in the construction period, this paper collects the air volume attenuation data of different component forms through experiments, and uses them to check the design parameters of the combined air conditioning of a hospital. The empirical results are recognized by all parties, avoiding the occurrence of losses, and the data can also provide reference for similar design. Keywords: hospital clean room; purifying air conditioner; air volume attenuation; empirical research 收稿日期:2023–09–25 作者简介: 严流桥(1989—),男,贵州盘县人,工程师, e-mail: yanlqiao@126.com. 产生和发展,可增强喷射层承受径向拉应力的能力。 ( 3)数值计算数据表明,在超浅埋小净距隧道 群开挖过程中,随着钢纤维掺量的增大,围岩变形和 围岩结构受力均有逐渐减小的趋势,当纤维掺量为 35 kg/m 3时,拱顶沉降点较未掺钢纤维条件下最大减 小 4.75 %,水平收敛点较未掺钢纤维条件下最大减小 11.45 %,初期支护的最大压应力较未掺钢纤维条件下 最大减小 1.65 %,可改善支护受力,限制围岩变形。 (4)由于考虑了模型简化,计算过程中部分荷 载参数可能与实际有所差异,结果仅作为参考,实 际变形以现场施工监测为主。 参考文献 [1] 曾润忠 , 詹涛 , 杨成忠 , 等 .浅埋暗挖隧道管棚支护参数的研究及 应用 [J].现代隧道技术 , 2018, 55(1): 211–215. [2] 何小龙 . 城市浅埋隧道穿越大型排洪箱涵的设计与施工 [J]. 土工 基