第43卷 第 l0期 2016510月
施 工技 术 Construction Technology 建 筑 技 术 开 发 Building Technology Development
模 糊 数 学 优 化 关 键 孔 注 浆 方 案 在 处 治
复 杂 岩 溶 裂 隙 中 的 应 用 研 究
李 红 卫
(中铁 十 四局 集 团有 限公 司 ,济 南 250014)
[摘 要]复杂地质条件下岩溶裂隙水害给隧道等地下工程带来巨大威胁,处治岩溶裂隙带来的问题尤为重要。首次采用关键孔注浆
模糊数学分析法进行关键孔的优选,通过模糊数学的层次分析法,建立了数学模型,很好的解决了在关键孔的选择难题 ;模型很好的将
[关键词 ]模糊数学 ;关键孔 ;注浆 ;岩溶裂隙
[中图分类号 ]TU753 [文献标志码 ]B [文章编号 ]1001—523X(2016)10-0106-03
Fuzzy O ptim ization Schem e in Application of Key H ole G routing in K arst
Fracture Com plex Treatm ent
Li Hong—wei
[Abstract]Under complicated geological conditions of karst fissure water damage to tunnel and underground engineering poses a great threat,the treatment of karst fissure is particularly important.Was adopted for the first time key hole grouting method applied in tun—
nel engineering,control engineering with the Qiyueshan Tunnel of Liwan highway,through the geological survey and geological radar de— tection,and the first to use fuzzy mathematics to construct the optimizing selection of grouting hole mode1.For the first time,the key hole
grouting method,through scientific and rational optimization of the key hole,in Qiyueshan tunnel is completed the task of grouting for stopping up water,and achieved good results.Using the fuzzy mathematics analysis method to carry on the key hole optimization,through
the fuzzy mathematics analytic hierarchy process,esta