2022·10·Building Construction 2320
冯良慈 朱 江
江苏新筑预应力工程有限公司 江苏 南京 210031
摘要: 以预制密肋空腔楼板为对象,对大跨度、不规则装配式建筑所采用的结构方案及预制构件进行对比,选择适用
关键词: 装配式建筑;预制密肋空腔楼板;构件;肋梁
中图分类号: TU 745 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1004 -1001(2022)10 -2 320-0 3 DOI: 1 0.1 4144/j. c nki. jz sg .2 022.1 0.0 12
Application of Prefabricated Multi-rib Cavity Floor Slab
in a Complex Building Project
FENG Liangci ZHU Jiang
Jiangsu Xinzhu Prestressed Engineeri ng Co., Lt d., Nanjing, Jiangsu 210031, China
Abstract: Taking the precast multi -rib cavity floor slab as the object, the structural scheme and precast components
adopted in large -span and irregular prefabricated buildings are compared. The precast scheme suitable for large -
span public buildings is selected, and the production and installation technology of prefabricated multi -rib cavity floor
components are studied. The practice proves that: the newly developed small -scale concrete component production line
is economical and applicable with high output and stable component quality; the construction process of prefabricated
cavity floor slab with dense ribs is safe and convenient, the floor slab has a good appearance, and the construction
quality is easy to ensure, which has good promotion and application value.
Keywords: p re fa b ric ate d b uild in g ; p re cast m ult i- rib c avit y flo or s la b ; c om ponent; r ib bed b eam
中 心内设有基层社区中心、卫生服务中心等,并配建社区
总建筑面积约57 0 00 m 2, 其中地上建筑面积为32 0 00 m 2,
分 为东西2栋 建筑,西侧地块建筑共12层 面积约22 0 00 m 2,
东 侧地块建筑共3层 面积约10 0 00 m 2, 项目配建了约
25 0 00 m 2的 2层 地下停车库。
2 装配式结构方案的选择
到 30% 以 上。若采用目前常规的预制梁、预制柱及预制叠
合楼板方案,则会面临以下2个 问题:
1) 预制构件品种繁多且预制率很难达到30% 要 求。该
项 目为了满足建筑立面要求,设计了大量的斜梁、斜板,
制构件方案则无法达到30% 的 预制率要求。
2) 预制构件吊装困 难。由于受地形所限,构件的吊
装 除了常规配备的塔吊,只能在工程的南侧道路布置吊
有 些建筑追求个性化的独特造型,导致装配式构件种类繁