建筑施工·第44卷·第6期 1367
洪恩钦 王 碗 李兴鲁 宋 强
中国建筑第八工程局有限公司总承包公司 上海 201204
摘要: 针对常规判定工程桩入岩深度方法存在的主观性强、误差较大等问题,在充分的理论研究基础上,结合宁波国
关键词: BIM技术;桩基工程;入岩深度;高精度数据
T U 18 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1004 -1001(2022)06- 1367-0 3 DOI: 1 0.1 4144/j. c nki. jz sg .2 022.0 6.0 60
Auxiliary Determination of Engineering Pile Depth into Rock
by Application of BIM Technology
HONG Enqin WANG Wan LI Xinlu SONG Qiang
General Contracting Company of China Construction Eighth Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201204, China
Abstract: Aiming at the problems of strong subjec tivity and large error in the conventional method of determining the
depth of engineering pile into rock, based on sufficient theoretical research and combined with the project practice of
Ningbo International Conference Center, a method of auxiliary determination of engineering pile depth into rock based on
BIM technology is proposed. The 3D model of engineering pile and hard bedrock surface model are established through
BIM technology, and integrated analysis is carried out to obtain the pile bottom elevation of each engineering pile after
entering the rock, generate the pile bottom elevation drawing, and guide the onsite pile foundation construction. This
method not only improves the judgment accuracy of engineering pile depth into rock, but also obtains high-precision
pile depth data before construction, which is of great significance to the preliminary preparation and onsite construction
of pile foundation construction.
B IM te chnolo g y; p ile fo und atio n e ng in eerin g ; d ep th in to r o ck; h ig h p re cis io n d ata
目 前我国正处于构建BIM 数 据信息集成和数字表达领
域 建设项目中的应用阶段,BIM 技 术的应用越来越广泛
[2 ],
基 于此,探索BIM 技 术在工程桩施工时的应用。
利 用BIM 技 术的模型综合性、三维可视化、信息关联
性 、可出图性等优势,通过整合地层曲面模型、桩基模
型 ,直观显示每根桩入持力层标高,导出CA D二 维图纸和
明 细表,在桩基施工阶段辅助判岩,指导现场施工,为现
场 判岩提供了依据,极大地提高了现场判岩的效率,保证
了 工程桩的施工质量
[3 -5 ] 。
1 研究背景
1.1 工程概况
宁 波国际会议中心项目位于宁波市东钱湖旅游度假
区 ,项目北至奕大山,南至东坑山,东邻东钱湖沿湖堤坝
( 奉钱线),南北方向最长距离为1 3 00 m , 东西方向最长
距 离为920 m 。 项目建
国 内、国际学术会议,高端商务会议,同时兼具文化、旅
游 等功能。
本 项目持