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纤维增强橡胶复合材料软体系统船撞吸能试验与模拟(论文).pdf 第1页
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第54 卷第 2期 2022 年 4月 Vol. 54 No. 2 Apr. 2022 西安建筑科技大学学报(自然科学版) J. Xi'an Univ, of Arch. & Tech. (Natural Science Edition) DOI : 10. 15986/j. 1006-7930. 2022. 02. 004 纤维增强橡胶复合材料软体系统船撞吸能试验与模拟 赵凡 1 9 方 海 ' 9 梁志雯彳 , 祝露 1, 韩娟王盛 1 (1. 南京工业大学土木工程学院 ,江苏南京 211816 ; 2. 江苏省交通工程建设局 ,江苏南京 210004) 摘要 :针对传统桥梁防撞措施造价高 、难修复 、削减船撞力有限 、易造成船舶损毁等不足 ,本文提出了一种散粒体填充纤 维增强橡胶复合材料软体系统 ,探究碰撞荷载作用下该系统的变形和吸能性能.使用船艄模型分别对裸墩 、设有散粒体填 充纤维增强橡胶复合材料软体防撞系统的桥墩进行了水平撞击试验 ;建立该系统的有限元模型对其破坏过程进行数值分 析,并与试验结果对比.试验结果表明 :纤维增强橡胶复合材料软体在变形恢复和防破损方面具有显著的优势.参数分析 结果表明 :直径 300 mm, 400 mm, 500 mm 纤维增强橡胶复合材料软体对撞击力的削减率分别为 25. 87% 、42.08% 、 5& 77%, 软体直径对其撞击吸能性能有较大的影响. 关键词 :纤维增强橡胶复合材料 ;撞击试验 ;破坏模式 ;吸能 ;数值模拟 中图分类号 :U443. 26 文献标志码 :A 文章编号 :1006-7930(2022)02-0184-07 Experimental and numerical simulation on energy absorption in ship collision of fiber reinforced rubber composites soft body system ZHAO Fan 1 , FANG Hai 1, LIANG Zhi-wen 2, ZHU Lu 1, HAN Juan 1, WANG Sheng 1 (1. College of Civil Engineering , Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing 211816, China ; 2. Jiangsu Provincial Transportion Engineering Construction Bureau, Nanjing 210004, China) Abstract : In view of the shortcomings of traditional bridge anti-collision measures, such as high cost, high difficult of repair, and limited reduction of ship collision force, which is easy to cause ship damage , this article proposes a bulk-filled fiber-reinforced rubber soft collision avoidance system to explore the deformation and energy absorption performance of the device under impact loading. The horizontal impact tests of bare pier and pier with fiber- reinforced rubber soft body system are carried out by using ship bow model. The nonlinear finite element model of the system is established to numerically analyze its failure process, and the results are compared with the experimental results ・ The test results show that the fiber reinforced soft body has obvious advantages in deformation recovery and damage prevention. The results of numerical analysis show that the reduction rate of impact force of fiber nforced rubber soft body with diameter of 300 mm, 400 mm and 500 mm is 25. 87%, 42. 08% and 58. 77% respectively ・ The soft body diameter has a great influence on the impact energy absorption performance. Key words : fiber-r&nforced rubber composite ; impact test ; failure mode ; energy-absorbing ; numeri