I-I-程建设与设计 lConstruction&Des ForProject
岩 质 基 坑 边 坡 泥 化 夹 层 的 影 响 分 析
AnalysisontheImpactsoftheArgillizationIntercalation oftheRockFoundationPit
刘晓 斌 ,林 义华
(重庆川东南地质工程勘察设计院,重庆 400038)
LIUXiao-bin,LIN Yi-hua
(GeotechnicalInvestigation&DesignInstituteofSoutheastSichuanGeologicalTeam,Chongqing 400038,China)
【摘 要】岩质边坡中若存在外倾的泥化夹层,其稳定性差,影响坡顶、坡脚建(构)筑物的安全,因此,查明泥化夹层的空
【Abstract】If theextravertargiUizationintercalationexists,therockslopeisoflowstability,whichwillcausethesafetyproblemson
the buildings at the top and bottom of the slope.Therefore,it is necessary to find out the spatial distribution of the argillization
toprevent.Thisessaytakestheextravertargillizationintercalationsofaprogramwhichexistinthe slopesoftherockfoundationpitsas
anexample.Findoutthe spatialpositionsoftheargillizationintercalationbythe exploratorywel1.Take samplestodothe remoulded
shear strength tests.Provide the design parameters ofthe rock and soil based on the real geological conditions and the shear strength
indexes.Make a correct evaluation on the failure modes ofthe slopes.Evaluate the stability ofthe slopes by applying stereographic
projection method to qualitative analysis and the planar slide m~hod to quantative analysis.Provide the safe and feasible prevention
measures forthe constructionprocedures.