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一种新型型钢骨架复合墙板装配结构体系及吊装施工分析(论文).pdf 第1页
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2023·1·Building Construction 40 一种新型型钢骨架复合墙板装配结构体系及 吊装施工分析 吴水根 1,2 余海龙 1 吕兆华 2 1. 同济大学土木工程学院 上海 200092;2. 同济大学建筑设计研究院(集团)有限公司 上海 200092 摘要: 新型型钢骨架复合墙板全板式低层装配式房屋结构体系,采用由型钢与多层芯材组成的复合墙板作为主要承重 构件,墙板间采取钢卯榫形式节点,主要适用于1~3层房屋。对复合墙板结构体系和构件安装施工的重难点进行研 究,采用压杆模型讨论了芯材对结构受力的贡献,依据墙板特性对已有压杆截面高度计算公式进行修正,针对钢卯榫 节点提出了分离型钢和连接螺栓模型。建立结构体系计算模型和墙板吊装模型,就结构体系和墙板吊装进行有限元分 析,验证了结构可行性和吊装方案可靠性,为今后类似工程提供参考。 关键词: 装配式结构;预制墙板;吊装;施工技术;有限元模拟 中图分类号: TU 765 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1004 -1001(2023)01 -0 040-0 7 DOI: 1 0.1 4144/j. c nki. jz sg .2 023.0 1.0 11 Analysis of a New Type of Steel Frame Composite Wallboard Fabricated Structure System and Its Hoisting Construction WU Shuigen 1,2 YU Hailong 1 LÜ Zhaohua 2 1. College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China; 2. Tongji Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200092, China Abstract: The new type of structural system of low -rise prefabricated building with full panel composite wallboard with profile steel frame adopts the composite wallboard composed of profile steel and multi -layer core materials as the main load -bearing component, and the joints between wallboards are in the form of steel mortise and tenon, which is mainly applicable to buildings with 1 – 3 floors. The key and difficult points in the installation and construction of composite wallboard structure system and components are studied. The contribution of core materials to the structural stress is discussed by using the strut model. According to the characteristics of wallboard, the calculation formula of the height of the existing strut section is modified. For the steel mortise and tenon joints, the separate section steel and connecting bolt models are proposed. The structural system calculation model and wallboard hoisting model are established, the structural system and wallboard hoisting are analyzed by finite element method, and the structural feasibility and hoisting scheme reliability are verified, which provides reference for similar projects in the future. Keywords: fa b ric ate d s tr u ctu re ; p re fa b ric ate d w allb oard ; h ois tin g ; c onstr u ctio n te chnolo g y; fin it e e le m ent s im ula tio n 构 采用纯框架有限元模型进行结构设计分析;金晓飞等 [2 ]利 用 ANSY S软 件对带ALC 墙 板钢框架结构平面等效斜撑模 型的抗侧力性能进行分析,以考虑预制非承重墙板分担水 平荷载。预制承重墙板作为结构主要承重和耗能构件,构 成全板式装配结构,其板的结构一般为预制混凝土剪力墙 板 、预制叠合剪力墙板和预制复合剪力