Building Technology DevelopmentrS52
C o n s tru c tio n T e c h n o lo g yK y K
2 0 2 1年5月建筑施工中防水防渗施工技术应用朱本玺(海南宏元置业有限公司,海南三亚 571800)[摘要]现阶段建筑项目当中较为突出的问题是建筑物常发生的漏水、渗水现象,建筑施工当中如何更好地应用防水防渗
一步应用提供科学的理论依据和参考。[关键词]建 筑 施 工 ;防 水 防 渗 ;施工技术[中图分类号]T U 7 6 1 .i l [文献标志码]B [文章编号]1001-523X ( 2 0 2 1 ) 0 9 -0 0 6 7 -0 2Application of Waterproof and Anti-seepage Construction Technologyin Building ConstructionZhu Ben-xi[ Abstract ] The m ost prominent problem in construction projects at this stage is frequent occurrence o f water leakage in
buildings.How to better apply waterproof and anti-seepage construction technology in construction has becom e an urgent problem
in the construction industry. The influencing factors o f waterproof and anti-seepage construction in building construction are mainly
summarized, and then the application and improvement measures o f waterproof and anti-seepage construction technology in construction
engineering are discussed, and the specific application o f waterproof and anti-seepage construction technology is finally summarized,
hoping to provide scien tific theoretical basis and reference for further application o f waterproof and anti-seepage technology in
construction engineering in the future.[ Keywords ] building construction ; waterproof and seepage prevention ; construction technology I ) ???QF z ?H°? ?K??e c qH
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