2021·1·Building Construction 78
刘炫辰 朱文婧
中国华西企业有限公司 广东 深圳 518034
摘要: 现阶段对于超高层型钢混凝土巨型柱的施工,往往采用爬模独立进行,而爬模需利用在已完成的结构上设置附
关键词: 建筑工程;型钢混凝土巨型柱;斜拉桥挂座;加高挂座;可周转
T U 731 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1 004-1 001(2 021)0 1-0 078-0 3 DOI: 1 0.1 4144/j. c nki. jz sg .2 021.0 1.0 25
Brief Analysis of Attachment Method of Super High-rise Section Steel Concrete
Mega Column Climbing Formwork at Cantilever Member and Overhead Layer
LIU Xuanchen ZHU Wenjing
China Huaxi Enterprise Co., Ltd., Shenzhen, Guangdong 518034, China
Abstract: At present, the construction of super high -
rise section steel concrete mega columns is often carried out
independently by the climbing formwork, and the climbing formwork needs to set the attached support on the completed
structure as the support point. When the edge of the giant column is a cantilever plate or the position of the attached
wall is designed as overhead structure, the wall attached support of the climbing formwork is often unable to be set, thus
affecting the climbing of the climbing formwork. In order to solve the influence of this problem, through the deepening
of the structural form of the wall attached support of the mega column climbing form and the subsequent practical
construction application, the design mode and construction control points of the wall attached support at the cantilever
structural members and overhead layer were summarized. The experience obtained has a good reference value for the
treatment of the wall attached support of the climbing formwork under the same working conditions.
c onstr u ctio n e ng in eerin g ; s e ctio n s te el c oncre te m eg a c olu m n; c ab le s ta ye d b rid ge h ang in g s e at; h eig hte nin g
hang in g s e at; r e usa b le
筒 +巨型柱+环带桁架形式,层高4.5 m , 局部楼层架空1
层 (无结构构件),建筑物四周为型钢混凝土巨型柱,巨
型 柱外扩300 m m为 结构边,整个外立面为玻璃幕墙。
工 程建筑高度较高,核心筒先行施工,巨型柱采用专
用 爬模独立施工,外侧非工作面不设置整体外防护。针对上
述 结构特点,施工单位将巨型柱爬模附着节点施加于结构的
荷 载条件提请设计单位复核后,得出结论是该处挑板无法承
受 该荷载,且由于楼层存在架空层无法设置附着点,因此常
规 附着方式无法满足设计、施工要求,如图1所 示。
2 挑板处附着支座处理
设 计单位在对结构构件进行计算时,只考虑了 自身
自 重产生的