2023·1·Building Construction 60
赵浪浪 尚龙飞 曹玉娥 马 祥
陕西建工第九建设集团有限公司 陕西 榆林 719000
摘要: 神木神信热电有限公司发电工程空冷塔创新性地采用双交叉钢管混凝土X斜支柱代替传统钢筋混凝土X斜支柱和
关键词: 火力发电厂;空冷塔;双交叉钢管混凝土斜支柱;吊装
中图分类号: TU 765 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1004 -1001(2023)01 -0 060-0 4 DOI: 1 0.1 4144/j. c nki. jz sg .2 023.0 1.0 15
Construction Technology of Double Cross Concrete Filled Steel Tube
Inclined Strut for Air Cooling Tower
ZHAO Langlang SHANG Longfei CAO Yu'e MA Xiang
SCEGC No.9 Construction Engineering Group Company Ltd., Yulin 719000, Shaanxi, China
Abstract: The air cooling tower of the power generation project of ShenmuShenxin Thermal Power Co., Ltd. innovatively
adopts double cross concrete -filled steel tube X inclined strut to replace the traditional reinforced concrete X inclined
strut and single cross X inclined strut. In view of the characteristics of high height, large hoisting quality and many
special -shaped members of the double cross concrete filled steel tube inclined strut, the construction technologies such
as member fabrication, welding, assembly, on -site hoisting and concrete pouring are summarized and analyzed, which
has accumulated experience for similar projects.
Keywords: th erm al p ow er p la nt; a ir c oolin g to w er; d oub le c ro ss c oncre te fille d s te el tu b e in clin ed s tr u t; h ois tin g
凝 土环板基础,环板宽度9.5 m , 厚度2.2 m , 环板顶标高
-3.5 0 m 。 塔高215 m , 底部±0 m 直 径159.3 m , 喉部直径
96.0 m , 出口直径102.0 m , 进风口高度35.1 m , 壳底斜率
0.2 5, 最小壁厚0.3 1 m , 最大壁厚1.5 m 。