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永久钢管桩深水基础补充定额(论文).pdf 第1页
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· 53· 永久钢管桩深水基础补充定额 吴永生 (江苏省交通工程建设局,南京 210000)    [摘 要 ] 深水基础永久钢管桩在跨江大桥工程中已被广泛应用,以江苏及其他国内跨江、跨海工程为 依托,根据施工现场实测及相关技术资料,在收集施工图纸、施工技术方案、现场施工工序、机械型号种 类等原始资料基础上进行永久钢管桩预算补充定额的编制和研究。鉴于钢管桩根据桩长和桩径可形成较多 定额子目,故以永久钢管桩(桩径1.8 m以内、桩长80 m以内)为例,对永久钢管桩补充定额的工艺模型建 立、基础数据收集、补充定额的编制、大型船机台班单价的确定、幅度差研究等具体内容的研究总结,为 今后永久钢管桩基础造价成本管理提供参考依据,为今后“四新工程”的定额编制提供范例。    [关键词]  永久钢管桩;打桩船;船机;补充定额    [中图分类号]  U 445.551    [文献标志码]  A     [文章编号]  1001 -523X (2022 )01-0053 -05 SUPPLEMENTARY QUOTA OF PERMANENT STEEL PIPE PILE DEEP WATER FOUNDATION Wu Yong-sheng    [Abstract ] Deep water foundation permanent steel pipe pile has been widely used in river crossing bridge engineering ,the article relies on Jiangsu and other domestic cross-river and cross-sea projects,according to actual construction site measurements and related technical data ,based on collecting construction drawings,construction technical plans,site construction procedures, mechanical models and other original data, and carries out preparation and research of supplementary budget quotas of permanent steel pipe piles. In view of the fact that steel pipe piles can form more quota sub-items according to pile length and pile diameter, permanent steel pipe piles (pile diameter within 1.8 m and pile length within 80 m)are taken as an example to establish a process model for supplementing the quota for permanent steel pipe piles, collect basic data, preparing supplementary quotas, determining of the unit price of large ship machines and study the range difference ,etc., providing a reference basis for cost management of the permanent steel pipe pile foundation in the future and examples for establishment of quotas for the future "Four New Projects".    [Keywords ] permanent steel pipe pile ;piling ship;ship machine ;supplementary quota 深水基础永久钢管桩工程主要适用于跨海、跨江 桥梁的桩基础工程部分。目前已知的采用永久钢管桩 基础的跨海跨江桥梁有港珠澳大桥、东海大桥、杭州 湾大桥、崇启大桥、舟山大桥等。江苏作为我国的经 济强省,位于长江三角洲地区,横跨长江,已建成多 座跨江大桥,并且新的跨江通道项目仍在不断增加。 随着跨江(海)桥梁工程施工工艺不断进步,现行公 路工程预算定额中的不足也逐渐暴露,现行公路工程 预算定额中桥梁工程预算定额主要以内陆桥梁施工为 基础测定、编制;特大跨径桥梁深水基础施工由于水 流、潮汐影响较大,导致工效降低;水上桥梁施工洋 流条件、施工工艺、船机配备等与内陆有很大差异。 永久钢管桩作为水上工程的桩基,施工周期短, 无需搭设水上施工平台,施工方便快捷,安全经济, 在桩基础领域得到了越来越广泛的推广应用。因现行 定额的缺项,难以满足造价管理,业主、施