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装配式钢结构住宅一体化建造技术(论文).pdf 第1页
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结构外 4上 3 内 43 上 0 C O N S T R U C T IO Nghi???%&?j?t????  y?y ( R s Q ' ? . n u G ? ? L d R s Y E E E ? Y ?Y ( R s ? 0  ? t ? ? ? ' ? p n e ? ?  ? w \ R s Y E E E ? Y?81$N?t?????ghi???%&?@co??2?Qm?kl_i5??????N???Xghi ???%&??%????co8X 、 一 体化建造的施工理念。借助BIM技术的数据化和信息化优势,建立设计-施工 一体化模式,提高上下游协同效率;一体化施工管理模式,多专业联动、统一思想,消除传统模式的壁垒,制定更加 合理的流水搭接工序。通过具体工程的实践,为一体化建造提供了实施支撑,也为同类工程提供了一条更加合理、科 学的建造模式。关键词:钢结构;装配式住宅;B IM; —体化建造中图分类号:TU3 9 1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1 0 0 4 - 1 0 0 1 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 0 2 - 0 2 7 5 - 0 3 D O I: 10.14144/j.cnki.j z s g.2022.02.019中(专团.总)专团集 开志(土专总务杂专主志( 纬团杂海(志工志.金 志办 行总团办)滩总主杂)专团集 司专团团工 司专总务杂专务总团 城团土主集团(杂团上 滩 3 4 建 注外师综网天9址业 司海)(.海)主 外团杂海)(主木团集 开 志(土专总务杂专主志 ( 建总志务山 开志上 -专集业楼 司海)(.海)主 8网网网明8楼 开海主()长8业 司海)(.海)主 师(.主(团团总主(. 纬团杂海(志工志.金 城团土团)总杂海 开团(专团总 话 总主团( 专团 集 主( 纬金山主杂)工 内务主工集主(. 合 山 山 工主杂) 专主志 ( 城志滩志专楼 司海)(.海)主 8网网网明8楼 开海主()合 滩 土 专总) 杂 专: The prefabricated steel structure residence is in the stage of popularization and has many problems, such as many specialties, complex interfaces, inapplicability of traditional mode and so on. Based on this, combined with the characteristics of prefabricated steel structure residence, the construction concept of m ulti-specialty integration and integrated construction is put forw ard Relying on the advantages of 巳丨M technology in data and information, a design construction integration mode is established to improve the efficiency of upstream and downstream cooperation; by the integrated construction management mode, m ulti-specialty linkage and unified thinking, the barriers of traditional mode is eliminated, and more reasonable flow lapping process is formulated. The practice of specific projects not only provides implementation support for integrated construction, but also provides a more reasonable and scientific construction mode for similar projects.法 团 金国 志总集土: steel structure; prefabricated residence; BIM; integrated construction@??G?l.?kJ56??r=???rk J??t????ghi??sG???C?kJ??? ???G?l.?9{G?.v???????G?P. ?.????kJ*0 H?H g h i ? ? ? % & j l ? j ? ? ?? 9wghi???%&?$"?t???-?? ? ??@????????*ij?lq2?^??L Ii8????????s????????'/? Zg???t.?? ? t . ? ? ???jl??kljl?6 1 :上溱肀科学技术委5会科研项日课超攻 中 宝DZ2 2 5 2 2 0 0 ) 。,篇一家昆,花》(1 9 7 9 — ),男,本蚪,高级工程师。 通信