第 47卷 第 5期
2015年 10月
西安建筑科技大学学报 (自然科学版)
J.Xi'an Univ.ofArch.&Tech.(Natural Science Edition1
某 铅 锌 矿 采 空 区 处 理 与 卸 压 开 采 方 案 的 数 值 模 拟
李 俊 平 , 王 晓 光 1, 赵 兴 明 2 杨 明 春 。
(1.西安建筑科技大学材料与矿资学院,陕西 西安 710055;2.白银有色集团股份有限公司厂坝铅锌矿,甘肃 成县742504;
3.四川机电职业技术学院,四川 攀枝花 617000)
摘要 :为了经济、安全地处理某铅锌矿 900 m水平以上的采空区并回收矿柱 ,同时避免深部开采时发生岩爆,提出了急倾斜
矿体开采的采空区处理与卸压开采方法,并利用数值模拟软件 ANSYS和 FLACm确定了此方法的施工参数 ,并对比了两个
软件的计算结论.研究表明:ANSYS和 FLAC。。得出的结论基本一致;下盘脉外离采空区边缘 10m掘进巷道时,上盘脉外
卸压施工巷道离采空区边缘的水平距离不超过 20 m;隔断开采的深度不超过 20 m;必须从上、下盘脉外巷道同时向采空区
围岩实施 v 型松动爆破;可只在上盘巷道底板进行隔断开采 .此采空区处理与卸压开采方法技术合理、经济可行、简便适
关键词 :采矿工程 ;冲击地压;采空区处理;卸压开采;隔断开采;数值模拟
中图分类号:TD324 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006—7930(2015)05—0745—07
Num erical sim ulation of m ining schem e disposing abandoned—stope
and relieving m ining pressure in a certain lead & zinc m ine
LIJunping ,WANGXiaoguang ,ZHAOXingmingz , YANGMingchun
f1.School ofMaterials and Mineral Resources,Xi an Univ.ofArch.&Tech.,Xi'an 7 10055,China; 2.Changba lead&zinc mine,Baiyin Nonferrous group limited liability company,Chengxian 742504,China;
3.Sichuan Electromechanical Institute ofVocation and Technology,Panzhihua 617000.China)
Abstract:For the sake of safety,and economy in disposition of the abandoned-stope and extract pillar above 900m level of a lead& zinc mine,while avoiding the deep mining rock burst,a new method disposing steep abandoned stope and relieving mining pressure
was put forward.and it's construction parameters were determined by ANSYS and FLAC to dispose abandoned stope and unload
mining stress.At the same time,conelusions calculated by the two softwares were compared.Results showed that ANSYS and FLAC arrived at the same conclusions and that the horizonta1 distance must be 20 m from the edge of the forsaken.stope to tunnel
outside the hanging side if the horizontal distance is 1 0 m from the edge of the abandoned stope to tunnel outside the heading side.
Moreover,the partition mining depth is not more than 20 m below the floor plate of tunnels.From the tunnel outside hanging side and footwall of the veins to the abandoned stope。v—shaped loosening blasting must be implemented simultaneously in forsaken stope
surrounding rock.Furthermore,the partition mining call only been carried out on the