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双跨80 m连续梁悬臂法施工线形控制技术(论文).pdf

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219 双跨80 m连续梁悬臂法施工线形控制技术 叶双双 上海建工集团工程研究总院 上海 201114 摘要: 为保证高速铁路连续梁桥悬臂现浇施工中的线形符合设计要求,以某特大桥的双跨80 m连续梁主跨为例,采用 鱼刺图分析法对大跨连续梁的线形影响因素进行了分析。在此基础上,总结了连续梁线形控制的技术难点,并从挂篮 锚固系统安装、挂篮预拱度设置、合龙段施工等三方面,阐述了相应的线形控制对策。经实施,双跨80 m连续梁悬臂 现浇施工完成后,其外观线形优美、过渡平顺,完全达到了预期的效果,表明所采用的技术控制措施是合理的。 关键词: 连续梁桥;悬臂现浇;线形控制;预拱度设置 中图分类号: U445.466 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1004- 1001(2020)02- 0219-03 DOI: 10.14144/j.cnki.jzsg.2020.02.026 Linear Control Technology of Cantilevered Construction Method for Double Span 80 m Continuous Beam YE Shuangshuang Engineering General Institute of Shanghai Construction Group, Shanghai 201114, China Abstract: In order to ensure that the linearity of the cantilever cast -in-situ construction of the high -speed railway continuous beam bridge can meet the design requirements, taking the main span of the double span 80 m continuous beam of a super large bridge as an example, the fishbone diagram analysis method is used to analyze the influencing factors of the linearity of the long -span continuous beam. On this basis, the technical difficulties of the continuous beam linear control are summarized, and the corresponding linear control countermeasures are expounded from three aspects: the installation of the hanging basket anchoring system, the setting of the hanging basket precamber and the closure section construction. After implementation, the double span 80 m continuous beam has beautiful linear appearance and smooth transition after the completion of the construction, and completely achieves the expected effects, which indicates that the technical control measures adopted are reasonable. Keywords: continuous beam bridge; cantilever cast-in-situ; linear control; precamber setting 市政工程 MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING 文娟 [3]以准池铁路的前窑子水库大桥(58+ 3× 96+ 58)m 有砟轨道混凝土连续梁为案例,介绍了大跨连续梁悬灌改 支架现浇的设计方法;杜学进等 [4]结合工程实例,对连续 梁悬臂施工边跨现浇支架进行了优化设计,确定了荷载分 布,建立了受力分析模型,并对其强度、刚度和稳定性进 行了检算。上述文献均偏向理论设计与研究,涉及具体工 程施工中的控制技术尚不多见 [5]。 基于此,本文以某特大桥的双跨80 m连续梁主跨为 例,介绍高铁连续梁桥悬臂现浇施工中的线形控制技术, 以为类似工程施工提供借鉴。 1 工程概况 某特大桥位于浙江省金华市,线路沿既有铁路沪昆线 行走,沿途经过义亭镇、孝顺镇,桥梁全长 9 793.850 m。桥 梁的起讫里程为DK131+ 093.21—DK140+ 886.95,其中桥 墩共303个,桥台2 座,悬臂现浇连续梁4 联,支架现浇连续 梁5联,门式墩6 个。该桥梁的DK137+ 793.955—DK138+ 051.555里程处设计为1 座(48.75+2× 80+ 48.75) m连续 梁,桥墩编号为212 #—216 #。该连续梁桥墩高20~ 22 m,主 根据中国
双跨80 m连续梁悬臂法施工线形控制技术(论文).pdf