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外穿孔式铝合金模板在PC构件现浇节点中的应用(论文).pdf 第1页
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板与脚手架 FORMWORK & SC A F F O L D5?-??S-~aP C构件现浇节点中的应用廖 倍 宁 韦 鸿 梅 潘 海 洪 黄 洪 锋 王 庆 峰 广 西 建 工 集 团 第 二 安 装 建 设 有 限 公 司 广 西 柳 州 545006??<????D■9?OJ~Q7­????9:«86-?<[?S■9?yJ5????!~??? ?­86L?[0~&?Tm□SC□8?8v?”、?8[b[Th«‘?2?4?-??S-~k( ?~??$PC构件表面,故利用PC构件预留孔并采用螺杆加固即可完成装模。模板拼缝严密,强度高,拼装施工简 单方便,浇筑后可满足免抹灰清水混凝土成形质量要求,在类似工程中具有一定的推广价值。关键词:装配式建筑;现浇节点;外穿孔式;PC构件;铝合金模板中图分类号:TU731 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1004-1001(2020)08-1449-03 D O I: 10 .14144/j.cnki.jzsg.2020.08.0327IINR.AYRT1 T O ® iYc h1 ANNo G chOThAYcL 9 o I c T O 7 ND t R1 D t 7 NNTo VT ht l T h„ YT 6 A e Y<R1<INA.c □TR1Ye T O G 6 6 T t I T 1 c 1 YeG 1t N 2p-Y-YU 9 e 1 0mYU4 p- 3ts 0h-FmYU 0 B t s c 0mYUTpYU 9 t s c I-YUTpYU Guangxi C o nstructio n Engineering G roup No.2 In sta lla tio n C o n stru ctio n Co., Ltd., Liuzhou, Guangxi 545006, ChinaA b s tr a c t: Taking the shift building and its supporting facilities project of the prefabricated b uilding m odernization industrial park in Liuzhou, Guangxi as an example, combined with the construction characteristics of cast-in-place joints of prefabricated concrete frame structure beams, slabs, and columns, through the formwork type comparison, research and development, implementation and improvement of other technical measures, the self-designed externally perforated type of aluminum alloy formwork was finally designed and used. Because this kind of formwork can closely cling to the surface of PC component, it can be installed by using reserved holes in PC components and strengthened by using screws. The joint of the formwork is tight, the strength is high, and the assembly construction is simple and convenient. After pouring, it can meet the forming quality requirement of plastering-free fa ir-faced c o n c re te, which has certain promotion value in similar projects.安 - 后成 第年@4: prefabricated building; cast-in-place joint; external perforated type; PC component; aluminum alloy formwork? S -  ~  2 n  ? y J 5 ? ? 8 6 [e n ■ 9 ? y J 5 ? ? ? ? ­  ? ? ? C ? ? 2 ? S -  ~ [? ? 2 1  ~  ? \ 6 ■  8 6 k  „ ■ 9 ? y J 5 ? ? ? ?  ? ? ? ­  ~ 6 - y ? ~ - d  [ ? ? ? ? ? [8 6 ★ ) ? ? ?  T  2??k  / 0 @ e O . y J 5 ■ 9 ? O J ­  ? ? 2 ? J ? S    ? l [ ? S -  ~ w ? ? y J 5 ■ 9 ? O J  ? ? ? ­ ? m h k v N 6 - ? ■ 9 ? y J 5 ? ? ? ?  ? ? ?  ~ v M « ‘ 8 6 [ ! ~  ? ? ?  ~ K ■ □ \  p ? [ ? ? ’ : 3  9 : ­ ? S -  ~ [ ? 8 6 6 ? [ K T  ? ? ? y J 5 w ? ★ ) [?  ? ? z ■ ) ■ ? ? ? [Z ? ? 8 6 ?  [? ? 6 N [ ?  8 6 w ? kp 6-N,? ? ? D ■