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双侧毗邻高层建筑的深大基坑土体变形规律研究(论文).pdf 第1页
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·172 · 双侧毗邻高层建筑的深大基坑土体变形规律研究 陈  峰,王江涛,霍晓科,岳天峥,王凤英 (中电建路桥集团有限公司,北京 100048)    [摘 要 ] 针对深大基坑开挖导致邻近高层建筑物地层土体变形问题,采用深部位移监测装备,研究不 同深度土体变形规律,分析深大基坑开挖周边土体的变形特征。基坑开挖造成周边不同深度土体变形具有 明显的空间特征,其中深部 –4.0 m测点表现为对应力调整最敏感,深部土体 x 方向位移在土方开挖阶段和内 支撑拆除阶段受应力扰动影响最明显,土体 y 方向位移在土方开挖阶段受应力扰动影响最明显。研究成果为 深大基坑建设及周边建筑稳定运维提供重要的理论基础和技术方法。    [关键词 ] 深大基坑;高层建筑;土体位移;多维度测量    [中图分类号]  TU 753    [文献标志码]  A     [文章编号]  1001 -523X (2022 )17 -0172 -03 STUDY ON SOIL DEfORmATION LAW Of DEEp fOUNDATION pIT ADjACENT TO HIGH-RISE bUILDINGS ON bOTH SIDES Chen Feng , Wang Jiang-tao , Huo Xiao-ke , Yue Tian-zheng , Wang Feng-ying    [Abstract ]  Aiming at the problem of soil deformation of adjacent high-rise buildings caused by deep foundation pit excavation, the deep displacement monitoring equipment is used to study the deformation law of soil at different depths and analyze the deformation characteristics of soil around deep foundation pit excavation. The deformation of surrounding soil at different depths caused by foundation pit excavation has obvious spatial characteristics. Among them, the measuring point at the depth of-4.0 m is the most sensitive to stress adjustment. The x-direction displacement of deep soil is most affected by stress disturbance in the stage of earthwork excavation and internal support removal, and the y-direction displacement of soil is most affected by stress disturbance in the stage of earthwork excavation. The research results provide important theoretical basis and technical methods for the construction of deep foundation pit and the stable operation and maintenance of surrounding buildings.    [Keywords ]  deep foundation pit; high-rise buildings; soil displacement; multidimensional measurement 城市地下交通及管网建设过程中,不可避免地存 在基坑邻近建筑物的建设问题,基坑开挖过程中邻近 土体受开挖扰动,极易对周边建筑服役期间安全构成 威胁,尤其对于高层建筑,更易受地基土体的变化, 引发重大隐患事故 [1–4] 。 宫志群等 [5]基于徐州市地铁车站建设的工程背 景,研究了基坑开挖、隧道群施工作用对周围建筑物 的叠加作用,并提出了隔离保护建筑物的防控措施。 范凡等 [6]提出了一种考虑基础刚度的基坑施工引 起紧邻建筑物沉降的简化计算方法,分析了坑外土体 沉降随深度变化规律,总结了基坑开挖对周边环境影 响的分区特征。 Zhang等 [7]采用数值分析与试验研究相结合的方 法,研究了基坑施工过程对邻近建筑物的影响作用, 并分析了影响建筑物地层沉降的重要因素。 Ta n等研究了地铁站开挖过程中周边高层建筑物 的沉降规律,得到了建筑物与地层非同步沉降规律。 收稿日期: 2022–04–11 作者简介: 陈峰(1986—),男,浙江台州人,高级工程师,主要 研究方向为道路桥梁施工技术。 创建国