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空铁联建巨型转换结构复杂节点的施工(论文).pdf 第1页
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2020·11·Building Construction 2052 空铁联建巨型转换结构复杂节点的施工 文 杨 1 陈 华 1 李晓富 2 黄沛林 1 彭建永 1 罗 鑫 1 孙 斌 1 1. 中国建筑第八工程局有限公司 上海 200120; 2. 杭州萧山国际机场有限公司 浙江 杭州 310000 摘要: 应用BIM虚拟建造技术,对萧山机场三期项目的空铁联建巨型转换梁、转换柱进行了模拟建造。针对空铁联建下 巨型转换梁、转换柱复杂节点施工,形成了整体施工部署、BIM三维钢筋放样、测量定位、钢构件吊装、模架搭设、钢 筋绑扎等关键施工工艺,所总结的方法对内插型钢的巨型梁、柱结构复杂钢筋绑扎提供了一种新的解决思路。 关键词: 空铁连建;巨型转换梁;BIM技术;钢构件吊装 中图分类号: T U 755 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1 004-1 001(2 020)1 1-2 052-0 3 DOI: 1 0.1 4144/j. c nki. jz sg .2 020.1 1.0 09 Construction of Complex Joint of Huge Transfer Structure in Air Rail Joint Construction WEN Yang 1 CHEN Hua 1 LI Xiaofu 2 HUANG Peilin 1 PENG Jianyong 1 LUO Xin 1 SUN Bin 1 1. China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200120, China; 2. Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport Co., Ltd., Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310000, China Abstract: The virtual construction technology of BIM is applied to simulate the construction of huge transfer beam and transfer column of air rail joint construction of Xiaoshan Airport Phase Ⅲ project. In view of the complex joint construction of huge transfer beam and transfer column under air rail joint construction, the overall construction deployment, BIM three - dimensional reinforcement lofting, surveying and positioning, steel member hoisting, formwork erection, reinforcement binding and other key construction technologies are formed. The method summarized in this paper provides a new solution for the construction of mega beam and column structure with embedded section steels. Keywords: a ir r a il jo in t c onstr u ctio n; h ug e tr a nsfe r b eam ; B IM te chnolo g y; h ois