第 47卷第 6期
2015年 12月
西安建筑科技大学学报 (自然科学版)
J.Xi’all Univ.ofArch.&Tech.(Natural Science Edition1
V_01.47 NO.6
某 类 铅 芯 橡 胶 支 座 的 端 部 水 平 动 静 比 研 究
吴 忠 铁 ,范 萍 萍 2, 杜 永 峰 3 王 晓 琴
(1.西北民族大学土木工程学院,甘肃 兰州 730050;
2.兰州工业学院土木工程学院,甘肃 兰州 730050;
3.兰州理工大学防震减灾研究所,甘肃 兰州 730050)
摘要:为了研究铅芯橡胶支座的端部水平动剪力与静剪力的关系,提出了动静比,并对于橡胶剪切模量为 0.6 MPa的铅芯橡
力逐渐接近.当剪切变形达到 250%时动静比在 1.25以内,此时动剪力简化计算结果与数值分析结果变化趋势基本一致,具
中图分类号:TU352.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006 7930(2015)06—0834-04
A nalysis of rate between horizontal dynam ic shearing force
and static shearing force for certain lead rubber bearing
Zhongtie ,FANPingping~ , DU Yongfeng~,WANG Xiaoqin
(1.School ofCivil Engineering,Northwest University for Nationalities.Lanzhou.730050,China; 2.Schoo1 of Civil Engineering.Lanzhou Institute of Technology.Lanzhou.730050,China;
3.Western Center ofDisaster Mitigation in Civil Engineering ofMinistry ofEducation,Lanzhou Univ.ofTech.,Lanzhou.
Abstract:In order to study the relationship of horizontal dynamic shearing force with static shearing force for the end of 1ead rubber
bearing(LRB).the ratio between horizontaI dynamic shearing force and static shearing force(RHDS1 of LRB was proposed and analyzed for LRB those shear modulus of rubber is 0.6MPa.According to the demand of the verticalload for LRB in the code for
seismic design ofbuildings.the common LRB were adopted for the dynamic time history response analysis using the nonlinear mod— e1.The effect ofparameters of LRB.including the diameter and ratio between non.yield horizontal stiffness and post.yield horizontal
stifmess and the ve~ical load was studied for the change and distribution for the RHDS Of LRB。and the change of the RHDS and
shear deformation Of LRB under the ea~hquakes was mainly discussed wim different parameters.The general simplified formulas of
horizontal dynamic shearing force for LRB are given.The results show that with the increase of shear deformation the RHDS OfLRB
decreases and its dynamic shearing force iS closed to its static shearing force.The RHDS iS less than 1.25 when the shear defor- marion