Building Technology DevelopmentHOBU
C o n s tru c tio n T e ch n o lo g y) y v w ) Ay-
2 0 2 1年7月改造工程建筑垃圾垂直运输施工技术郑劲松,支文财(中建二局第一建筑工程有限公司,北京丨〇〇176)[摘要]通过对拆除改造工程中形成的建筑垃圾垂直运输的工程实例的研究,分析垃圾垂直运输的施工方式及技术要点,
通过从经济、效 率 、安 全 、环保等方面对比塔式起重机、起重设备和原有建筑烟道垂直运输3 种 施工方案,经分析研讨,得到
既经济实用又环保高效的施工技术,并用于实际工程中。[关键词]改 造 工 程 ;建 筑 垃 圾 :烟道垂直运输[中图分类号]T U74 [文献标志码]B [文章编号]1001-523X (2021) 14^0017-02(4首版中科录数中出4首 学据数库首4期4选8 4刊 》据科中出数技期 学科技首版广4科中技中出4首 4刊
Construction Waste in Reconstruction ProjectZheng Jin-s o n g, Zhi Wen-cai^Abstract ] Through research on the engineering examples o f the vertical transportation o f construction waste formed in demolition
and reconstruction projects, the construction methods and technical points o f the vertical transportation o f waste are analyzed. By
comparing three vertical transportation construction schemes o f tower crane, lifting equipment and original building flue from the
aspects o f economy, efficiency, safety and environmental protection, an economic, practical, environmental and efficient construction
technology is obtained through analysis and discussion, which is used in practical engineering.[Keywords ] reconstruction project ; construction waste ; vertical flue transportation? ? ( 0 》 O A ? c w } 7w ' i | 「 t k ? ? ? 7
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