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Five-Screw Hoop Fabricated Joints O T q M O H u a p in g1 Y U A N A izhen1 L U D e h u i1'2
1. Guangzhou Construction Co., Ltd., Guangzhou, Guangdong 510030, China;2. South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510641, ChinaA b s tr a c t: To understand the structural strength, three spe cim e n s of c ro s s -s h a p e d reinforced concrete beam -colum n
joints were s p e c ia lly d e sig n e d and tested for se is m ic performance to com pare the failure characteristics and seism ic
behavior of c r o s s -s h a p e d five -s cre w hoop fabricated joints with common c r o s s -s h a p e d c a s t -in -p la c e beam -colum n
joints. T h e test results show that the cruciform five-screw fabricated joint can realize the failure m echanism of the strong
column and w eak beam, and it has a relatively full hysteretic curve similar to the cruciform c a s t-in -p la c e joint, showing
good se is m ic behavior. C o nclusion: in practical engineering, the design of the c ro s s -s h a p e d five-screw hoop fabricated
joint c a n be carried out acco rd in g to the sa m e c ast-in -p lac e joint.K e y w o rd s : prefabricated building; c ro s s -s h a p e d joint; five-screw hoop column; se is m ic behavior?wq?U } ? ?? ?s ?S ?wX
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