摘 要:为了解近年来建筑经济与管理学科在我国研究现状和发展趋势,对 2000年~2 018年 间 刊 载 于《 建 筑
经济》、《工程管理学报》期刊上的 9324篇论文进行可视化分析。结果表明:建筑 业产业层面的宏观研究、
企 业 层面的中观研究、工程项目层面的微 观研究在建筑 经济与管理领域中心度高达 0.81,代 表 了 建 筑 经 济
与管理的主要研究对象; PPP、信息化、装配式建筑成为当下建筑经济与管理学科领域研究的热点问题,一
定程度上凸显了“实践需求驱动”的学科 研究特征;研究主题日趋多元,且随着时间推移呈现多层次、多学
关键 词: 建筑 经济与管理; CitespaceⅤ;可视化分析;研究主题;演进趋势
中图分类号: F4 0 7. 9 文献标识码: A 文章编号:10 02
-851X(2020 )03 -0092 -07
DOI :10.14181/j.c n k i.10 0 2 - 851x . 20 20 030 9 2
Research Distribution and Evolution Trends in the Field of Construction Economics
and Management
YA N G D e q i n 1,Y UE Aobo 1, CHEN Linyan 2
( 1.Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics ,Zhengzhou 450046 ,China ;
2.School of Economics and Management ,Tong ji University ,Shanghai 200092 ,China )
Abstract :
In order to understand the research status and development trend of construction economics and management
disciplines in recent years ,the paper visually analyzes a total of 9324 papers published in the journals of “ Construction
Economy ” and “Journal of Engineering Management ” from 2000 to 2018. The results show that the macroscopic
research at the industrial level of the construction industry ,the mesoscopic research at the enterprise level ,and the
microscopic research at the engineering project level are as high as 0.81 in the field of construction economy and
management ,representing the main research objects of building economy and management ;PPP ,informationization ,
assembled architecture has become hot topics in the field of construction economics and management. To a certain
extent ,it highlights the characteristics of the subject-oriented research of