2022·6·Building Construction 1298
上海申铁投资有限公司 上海 200439
摘要: 讨论了上海轨道交通市域线机场联络线工程(市域高速铁路工程)在工程建设中将面临的挑战与相应对策。分
关键词: 市域高速铁路;隧道工程;风险源分析;创新对策
T U 997 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1004- 1001(2022)06- 1298-0 4 DOI: 1 0.1 4144/j. c nki. jz sg .2 022.0 6.0 43
Challenges and Countermeasures of Municipal High-speed
Railway Engineering Construction
JIANG Wenxing
Shanghai Shen-Tie Investment Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200439, China
Abstract: The challenges and corresponding countermeasures of the airport connecting line project of Shanghai rail transit
city line (city high -
speed railway project) in the project construction are discussed. The main risk sources in the construction
process are analyzed, including foundation pit and shield construction adjacent to the existing Shanghai –
high -
speed railway, side crossing and under crossing existing rail transit lines, high -
voltage line towers, municipal
pipe networks, municipal roads, bridges and tunnels, and under crossing Pudong airport taxiway and satellite hall.
The innovative technical means to deal with various potential risks are sorted out, including the intelligent construction
technology of ultra long -
distance underground railway with high -
risk and thick confined aquifer, the risk intelligent control
technology of ultra long -
distance municipal underground railway in complex environment, the ultra long -
distance disaster
prevention, rescue and evacuation technology in urban core area under the condition of interconnection with national
railway, the construction technology of mechanical connection channel of municipal high -
speed railway key technologies
of water and soil risk control and high -
precision measurement perception and early warning of municipal high -
railway, platform architecture of Municipal Railway Intelligent transportation management system, etc.
m unic ip al h ig h-s p eed r a ilw ay; tu nnel e ng in eerin g ; r is k s o urc e a naly sis ; in nova tiv e c ounte rm easu re s
纵 观国内其他地区地下高速铁路建设项目,京广高铁
石 家庄地下线
[1 ]周 边建筑稠密、下穿城市主干道,广深港
高 铁地下线
[2 ]穿 越有高压涌水风险的软弱地层环境,济青
高 铁青岛红岛线
[3 ]穿 越主要城区。与之相比,上海市域铁