建筑施工·第45卷·第4期 767
张鹏飞 王允帅 林 磊 包希吉
中建八局第二建设有限公司 山东 济南 250014
摘要: 为提高征迁范围确定工作中的工作效率、减少工作量,提高征迁范围划分准确度,利用虚实结合技术,通过工
关键词: 虚实结合;征迁范围;BIM技术;倾斜摄影
T U 741 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1004- 1001(2023)04- 0767-0 3 DOI: 1 0.1 4144/j. c nki. jz sg .2 023.0 4.0 40
Virtual and Real Combination Technology for Assisting in Determination
of Land Acquisition and Relocation Scope
ZHANG Pengfei WANG Yunshuai LIN Lei BAO Xiji
The Second Construction Limited Company of China Construction Eighth Engineering Division, Jinan 250014, Shandong, China
Abstract: To improve the work efficiency in determining the land acquisition and relocation scope, reduce the workload,
and improve the accuracy of dividing the land acquisition and relocation scope, the virtual and real combination
technology is used to analyze the position relationship between the construction project and the surrounding
environment, and determine the influence of the project construction scope and the land acquisition and relocation
scope, through the combination of the engineering BIM model and the UAV tilt photography model. The actual inspection
of the project proves that the analysis accuracy of the land acquisition and relocation scope fully meets the requirements,
and achieves good application results in the construction process of the Shanhai Road Construction Project of Yantai
Urban Expressway. It effectively solves the problem of determining the land acquisition and relocation scope caused by
the complex and scattered obstacles around the project.
v ir tu al a nd r e al c om bin atio n; la nd a cq uis it io n a nd r e lo catio n s c op e; B IM te chnolo g y; o b liq ue p hoto g ra p hy
纵 ”中的重要“一纵”,北起现状塔山隧道南侧,与规划
塔 山北路工程衔接,南至规划绕城高速,是“荣乌高速”
与 市区“城市路网”衔接的交通主动脉,烟台市政府挂图
作 战项目,重点民生工程。本工程为一期工程,范围北起
塔 山隧道南,南至绿斯达路,全长约5.6 24 k m , 全线采用
高 架+地面辅道形式,主线标准横断面为50 m , 匝道部分
标 准横断面为74 m 。 主要包含道路、桥梁、排水、管线、
排 水涵洞、河道、照明、景观、交通工程等施工范围。
2 征迁范围确定工作难点
本 工程为在烟台既有道路山海路改造新建高架快速
路 ,既有道路两侧居民生活设施建设成熟,周围环境复
杂 ,存在大量零星建(构)筑物、高压线、绿化植被等需
迁 改
的障碍物。同时工程线性长度较长,包含5对 匝道及相
应 变宽段,与周围建筑影响区域多,需征迁范围广且分布
零 散,征迁范围确定难度较大。由于前期地貌测绘