摘 要:随着数字技术的发展, BIM在建设工程中的应用愈发广泛 且 重要性也愈发突出,然而 BIM技术在海
塘建设管理中的应用仍较为少见。以钱塘江西江塘闻堰段海塘提标加固工程为实践支撑,介绍 BIM建模和
信 息 集 成 的 协 同 过 程 , 在 此 基 础 上 ,详 细 论 述 基 于 BIM的进 度管理和数字孪生场景应用过 程和成 果。根据
现 场 反 馈 ,该 项 目 中 BIM技 术的应用取得了良好效 果,为工程提 质增效作出突出贡献。本研究以期为同类工
程 BIM 技术应用提供有价值的实践参考。
关键 词: BIM技 术;海塘;进 度管理;数字孪生
中图分类号: T U17;T U71 文献标识码: A 文章编号:10 02
-851X(2022 )S2 -0283 -05
DOI :10.14181/j.c n k i.10 0 2 - 851x . 20 22S2283
Application of BIM Technology in Seawall Construction Management :
Take Xijiangtang Project as an Exampl e
YU Yadong
(Zhejiang water resources and Hydropower Survey and Design Institute Co. ,Ltd ,Hangzhou 310002 ,China )
Abstract :
With the development of digital technology ,BIM has become more and more widely used and
important in construction projects. However ,the application of BIM Technology in seawall construction
management is still relatively rare. Taking the seawall upgrading and strengthening project of Wenyan section
of Qiantang River Xijiangtang as the practical support ,this paper introduces the collaborative process of BIM
modeling and information integration ,and on this basis ,discusses in detail the application process and results of
BIM based schedule management and digital twin scenarios. According to the on-site feedback ,the application of
BIM Technology in the project has achieved good results and made outstanding contributions to the improvement
of quality and efficiency of the project. This study can provide valuable practical reference for the application of
BIM Technology in similar projects.
Keywords :
BIM technology ;seawall ;schedule management ;digital twins
1 引 言
海塘是我国东南沿海 地带的重要屏障,素有“海上
长城”之美称,至今已有两千多年的建设历史。针对 海
塘工程建设过程中存在的覆盖范围广、施工环境恶劣、 管理难度大、信息化水平低的难题,《浙江省海塘安澜
千 亿 工 程 建 设 规 划 》 指 出 ,基 于
GIS+BIM技 术 ,构 建 重
新的要求。 然而, BIM技术在海塘工程建设期深度应用案例
计、BIM 技术。
(浙江省水利水电勘测设计院有限责任公司,浙江 杭州 310002 )
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