建 筑 技 术 开 发 Building Technology Development 建筑设计 Architectural Design 第44卷第9期 2017年5月
虚 土 桩 扩 散 角 对 楔 形 桩 扭 转 振 动 阻 抗 的 影 响
余 前 标 , 官 文 杰 , 刘 浩
(1.中铁 大桥勘 测 设计 院集 团有 限公 司,武 汉 430050;2.中国地 质 大 学
岩 土钻 掘 与 防护 教 育部 工程研 究 中心 ,武 汉 430074)
[摘 要 ]基于桩端土的锥形虚土桩模型,研究端土应力扩散效应对楔形桩扭转振动阻抗的影响。首先将桩侧土和桩端土划
分多个薄层,采用平面应变模型求解得到桩 (虚土桩)侧土的剪切复刚度,然后利用 Laplace变换技术和阻抗函数递推法得到虚
土桩顶部阻抗,并将其作为楔形桩的实际支撑刚度 ,进一步推得楔形桩桩顶扭转振动阻抗频域响应解析解 ;最后,分析虚土桩
[关键词 ]楔形桩 ;扭转振动 ;锥形虚土桩模 ;平面应变模型
[中图分类号 ]TU43 [文献标志码 ]A [文章编号 ]1001—523X (2017)09~)035—03
Influence of Cone An2le of Fictitious Soil Pile on Torsional
Vibration Im pedance of Tapered Pile
Yu Qian—biao,Guan Wen-jie,Liu Hao
[Abstract]Based on the tapered fictitious soil pile model,the torsional vibration impedance oftapered pile is investigated with the consideration ofs~ess dispersion effect ofpile end soil.First,the pile—soil system is divided into infinite segments,which is allowed for
the stratification and variable cross-section of the tapered pile.The complex shear stiffness of pile surrounding soil is obmined by using
the plain strain mode1.By means of Laplace transform technique and impedance function transfer method,the complex impedance at
the top of fictitious soil pile is derived and then it is used as the real support stiffness of the tapered pile.Through further recursion,the
analytical solutions of torsional dynamic response of a tapered pile in the frequency domain are derived.Finally,the influence of cone angle of fictitious soil pile on the torsional vibration impedance of tapered pile is analyzed.The result shows that:with the increase of
cone angle of fictitious soil pile,the torsional dynamic stiffness at the top of tapered pile increases,and the corresponding dynamic
dam ping decreases gradually.
[Keywords]tapered pile:torsional vibration;tapered fictitious soil pile model;cone angle plane strain model
近年来,楔形桩因其 良好的适应性和经济性在工程上逐 究还相对偏少。
收稿日期 :2017-02—26
作者简介 :余前标 (1983一),男,江西九江人,工程师,主要研究
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