建筑施工·第43卷·第2期 179
罗永成 吴克威 章志伟
中建三局第三建设工程有限责任公司 上海 200333
摘要: 钻孔灌注桩具有对周围环境影响小、噪声小等优点,但桩身材料利用效率低。针对传统钻孔灌注桩的不足,介
关键词: 扩底灌注桩;束浆袋;注浆管;试桩
T U 753 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1 004-1 001(2 021)0 2-0 179-0 3 DOI: 1 0.1 4144/j. c nki. jz sg .2 021.0 2.0 03
Key Construction Technology of Grouting and Expanding Cast-in-place Pile in
Engineering Application
LUO Yongcheng WU Kewei ZHANG Zhiwei
The Third Construction Co., Ltd. of China Construction Third Engineering Bureau, Shanghai 200333, China
Abstract: Bored pile has the advantages of less impact on the surrounding environment and less noise, but the utilization
efficiency of pile body material is low. In view of the shortcomings of the traditional bored pile, a new technology of
grouting and expanding cast -
in -
place pile is introduced. The trial pile tests for bored piles and grouting and expanding
cast -
in -
place piles show that the bearing and anti -
pulling capacity of grouting and expanding cast -
in -
place pile can be
greatly improved compared with the bored pile, and the original design of bored pile is optimized as the grouting and
expanding cast -
in -
place pile. The practice shows that the optimized method can not only improve the reliability of post
grouting method, but also greatly improve the bearing capacity of bored piles, reduce the number and length of piles,
and have good economic benefits.
b otto m -e xp and in g c ast- in -p la ce p ile ; g ro utin g b ag ; g ro utin g p ip e; te st p ile
1 工程概况
常 熟2004A -G 057号 地块商住用房项目世茂世纪中心3 #
地 块D楼 总承包工程由商业、物业用房、地下车库、配电
间 、 排烟 机房 等配 套建 筑构 成, 地上4层 ,地 下2层 ,局 部
夹 层。主楼基础为筏板-桩 基础,总建筑面积约85 7 23 m
其 中地上建筑面积约31 3 33 m
2, 地下建筑面积54 3 90 m 2,
人 防建筑面积18 5 37 m
2, 基坑单层面积27 0 76 m 2, 周长
7 05 m 。
2 地勘分析
2.1 地质概况
拟 建场地地形整体起伏不大,地面标高为2.3 6~
3 .7 8 m 。 拟建场地地貌属长江三角洲冲积平原。
拟 建场地40.5 m 深 度范围内地层为第四系全新统、更
新 统沉积物,主要由黏性土、粉土及粉砂等组成,按其沉
积 年代
、成 因类 型及 物理力学 性质 的差 异, 可划分 成9个 主
要 层次,如表1所 示。
2.2 水文概况
现 有的提高钻孔灌注桩承载效率的方法主