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强降雨条件下不同填料路基的力学特性及稳定性研究(论文).pdf 第1页
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白图玉献中 国 内土 工 杂 内建 内国 志土 中土 开 志 国 5层鸣裔冷书浇允陈卸封排属真 者图质典认?湾典玉献杯 丞2 跨 漆 峨 不 贰 环 ? 小 ( 用 团 ) 总 司 天津 300456?>??(~`b@?????M?xs?z|?w-B0?C?zd??XUe&??? z?? ?d???e???`b)?t7??fC?0?z??c??»??C?0?TVw?zxMc)??c ?}?X?*{??&?-?z??]&D?,?z???d?a3= h降雨后,在6 m和10 m路基高度 下 ,安全系数仅为1.54和1.29,降雨停止后,稳定性安全系数再次升高并逐步趋于稳定;降雨条件下,混填黏土、粉 土、山皮土路基的稳定性较混填山皮土、粉土、黏土的差,但雨后恢复速度快于后者。关键词:强降雨;填料;路基稳定性;安全系数中 图 分 类 号 :U416.1 文 献 标 志 码: A 文 章 编 号:1004-1001(2019)09-1752-03 DOI: 10.14144/j.cnki.jzsg.2019.09.051SL1CO [T jlEi:TmE:h V»[gl»Lml3 :TC SL:=mhmLO [I emIIl»lTL Filling Subgrade Under Heavy Rain Conditionsdct YuanEWTOG 1GTumGJ MULW QDcoGD ^ c►DC @TdLW 5ONTOoocTON E►P— 6LwP: lTGOvTO fjjqBS: EWTOGAbstract: The mechanical properties of different fillings combinations and the variation of subgrade stability under heavy rainfall conditions were analyzed and discussed by the combination of theoretical analysis, experimental research and numerical simulation. The results show that the failure strain of the composite filling is between the two kinds of composite fillings. The peak stress and failure strain of the clay are the largest, the safety factor decreases with the rainfall duration. The stability of the silt subgrade is the worst. After 48 hours of rainfall, the safety factor of 6 m and 10 m subgrades are 1.54 and 1.29 respectively. After the stop of rainfall, the stability safety factor increases again and gradually stabilizes. Under the condition of rainfall, the subgrade stability of the mixed filling of clay, silt, and mountain soil is worse than that of the mixed filling of mountain soil, silt, and clay, however its recovery rate after rain is faster than the latter.8)agsvu3: heavy rain; filling; subgrade stability; safety factor ?XnHx???|?????sx??n -} *??F?=Nt?N:??(?|???F v?xq>CN?`n?S??s?N?n??M `AT?vA'x??0? `IVn-?-???0? C?|s???0Sn ??nT??0????d x???? `q>? (g -  ? 0 ? - ?  nX   d ?  ? ? ? nt? ?d?g-n-Bx?0Sq?nXen??? dP(?4x??n^??vM]_??-Bx0S| ?+sAK?( ? q ? x d ? - .  q ? ? i ( ? n?tXE n ???Z?!ufx??}n^M??+x?B| ? nXen?d????? `IVn??G&? ?!?s[??C?0?0|?x??d???}n|???? ? L 19 8 7 — ), 男 ,本 科 , 助 理 工 程 跸 。 邋 仿 地 址 :天 津 市 渙 海 軒 区 軒 北 路3 1 9 9号 (3 0 0 4 5 6) 。 电 子 岬 葙 :0 销。4子服资销服服、国国事深圳量 收搞 a 期 :2 0 1 W 3 3 - 1 2???e&??? -B0??z??d»^?? SAq>z_????z 7?w,