2018·11·Building Construction 1922
梁泽宇 刘光伟 李 伟 刘冰洁
中建一局集团装饰工程有限公司 北京 100161
摘要: 非洲热带地区传统茅草屋面施工技术粗糙,导致成品屋面的耐久性、安全性较差,破损率、返修率极高。为解
关键词: 非洲热带地区;无龙骨茅草屋面;预制编织;绑扎连接;搭接铺设
中图分类号: TU 759 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1 004-1 001(2 018)1 1-1 922-0 4 DOI: 1 0.1 4144/j. c nki. jz sg .2 018.1 1.0 22
Construction Technology for Prefabricated Binding
Type Keel-Free Thatched Roof
LIANG Zeyu LIU Guangwei LI Wei LIU Bingjie
China Construction First Group Decoration Corporation Limited, Beijing 100161, China
Abstract: The traditional thatched roof construction technology in the tropical regions of Africa is rough, which
leads to poor durability and safety, high breakage rate and high repair rate of finished roofs. In order to solve such
problems, the weaving thatch lining and the woven curtain are prefabricated according to the uniform specifications
through the factory operation, the horizontal support is set on the inclined purlin of the roof, the thatched lining is laid
on the outer side of the inclined purlin to lap up and down, and the thatched -woven curtain is laid along the outer side
of roof truss. This kind of construction technology for keel -free thatched roof can meet the requirements of perception
and quality, and meanwhile it is also simple and convenient for later maintenance and can provide technological
innovation for the construction of thatched roofs of similar wood -frame houses.
Keywords: tropical region of African; keel -free thatched roof; prefabricated weaving; binding connection; lapped
图1 全木质屋面框架结构
能 够满足抗潮、耐腐、抗风的前提下,使施工工艺足够简
2) 本项目落成后为五星级度假酒店,对建筑的外观观
感 和质量标准要求高,茅草屋面作为木结构房屋的主要组
而 赤道几内亚当地加工厂大多条件简陋,对优质茅草
的 遴选、防腐阻燃等技术加工处理能力有限,难以满足生
1 工程概况
酒店项目预估占地总面积488 0 00 m 2, 房屋建筑面积
12 7 77.9 5 m 2。 本项目所有房屋全部为单层,以全木质结构
为 主,木结构房屋屋面全部采用茅草结构,屋面檩条和人
字梁为屋架系统的主要承重构件(图1) 。解决传统的茅草
屋 面较为粗糙、密实性较差、施工质量难以控制、屋面承
2 工程特点、难点分析
1) 克里斯克岛属于赤道热带雨林气候,经常出