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中国民航与高铁竞争因素的敏感性分析研究(论文).pdf 第1页
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第 49卷第 3期 2017年 6月 西安建筑科技大学学报(自然科学版) J.Xi an Univ.of Arch.8L Tech.(Natural Science Edition) Vo1.49 No.3 Jun.2o17 DOI:10.15986Jj.1006—7930.2017.03.012 中 国 民 航 与 高 铁 竞 争 因 素 的 敏 感 性 分 析 研 究 李 晓 伟 , 王 炜 , 杨 敏 , 王 昊 , 徐 铖 铖 。 (1.西安建筑科技大学土木工程学院,陕西 西安 710055;2.东南大学交通学院,江苏 南京210096) 摘要:在系统分析现有旅客民航与高铁出行方式选择影响因素的基础上,从购票、到站、中转换乘、出行、离站全过程视 角全面科学地设计了旅客出行选择行为实验,获取旅客中长距离 出行过程中民航与高铁的 RP数据,将高铁作为参考方式 建立 BL方式选择模型,获取显著性影响因素的参数估计结果,并进行显著性影响因素的敏感性分析 .研究结果表明:运 行时间、出行距离、出行费用、到站时间、准时性是影响民航和高铁竞争的显著性因素 ;运行时间、出行距离、出行费用 的弹性值分别为一3.05、1.39、1.07,绝对值均大于 1,表明运行时间、出行距离、出行费用对高铁竞争下的民航选择富 有弹性 ;到站时间、准时性的弹性值分别为 0.41、一0.82,绝对值均小于 1,表明到站时间和准时性对高铁竞争下民航的 选择缺乏弹性 .研究成果可为运输资源合理配置及交通运输政策制定提供重要的科学依据. 关键词:综合运输;敏感性分析;BL模型;竞争因素 ;民航;高铁 中图分类号:Ul21 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006 7930(2017)03—0388—07 Sensitivity analysis of com petitive factors betw een civil aviation and high—speed rail in China LI Xiaowei ~,WANG Wei ,YANG Min ,WANG Hao。,X Chengcheng (1.School of Civil Engineering,Xi an Univ.of arch.& Tech.,Xi an 710055,China; 2.School of Transportation,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China) Abstract:The i mpact factors of the passenger travel choice were made a penetrating analysis between civil aviation and high—speed rail.Travel choice behavior experiment was designed from the perspective of whole trip chain including ticket stage,access stage,travel stage,transfer stageand egress stage.The passenger RP data was obtainedabout civil aviation and high—speed rail in long distance passenger,and was used to establishthe binary logistic model takingthe high—speed rail as a reference.The parameter estimation and elastic analysis of significant factors were made to draw a conclusion.The research shows that running time,travel distance,fare,access time and punctuality are all the significant factors to affect the passenger travel ehoicebetween civil aviation and high— speed rail.The elasticity values of running time,travel distance,fareare respectively一3.05,1.39,1.07,and the absolute value of above factors are higher than 1,indicating that the three factors have higher sensitivity to the civil aviationchoice under the competition of high-speed rail.However,the elastic value of access time andpunctuality are respectively 0.41,一 0.82,the absolute value of twofactors were less than 1,indicating that access time andpunctuality are of inelastic to the civil aviation choice under the c