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建筑结构中FRP复合材料的长期性能和防火安全性能研究(论文).pdf 第1页
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·847 · 建筑结构中 FRP 复合材料的长期性能 和防火安全性能研究 张 辉 (中国公路工程咨询集团有限公司,100089,北京) 摘 要: 研究了水分、温度、氯离子等因素对纤维增强复合材料粘接系统的影响,对于 FRP–混凝土结 构而言,水分侵入会破坏界面粘结强度、韧性,干试件和湿试件表现出不同的破坏模式。同时考虑到结构性 能和耐久性,过度加固的混合 FRPRC系统是首选的配筋方案。此外,氯离子浓度对 FRP加固混凝土的力学 性能影响不大。而对于 FRP–木结构系统而言,当材料温度在 50 ℃左右时电信号会发生明显变化。在 50 ℃ 时的材料间分离区域的面积是所有测试样品中最大的。 关键词: 纤维增强复合材料;长期性能;破坏模式;防火安全性能 中图分类号:TU 753 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-4726(2023)07-0847-03 RESEARCH ON LONG-TERM PROPERTY AND FIRE SAFETY OF FRP COMPOSITE MATERIAL IN ARCHITECTURAL STRUCTURE ZHANG Hui (China Highway Engineering Consultants Corporation, 100089, Beijing, China) Abstract: This paper researched the influence of water, temperature and Chlorine anion on the bonding system of fiber-reinforced composite material. Water intrusion into FRP-concrete structure may damage the bonding strength and toughness at the interface, and dry sample and wet sample showed different damage modes. Considering the structural performance and durability, excessive reinforced mixed FRPRC system is the preferential steel bar distribution scheme. In addition, Chlorine anion thickness produced little influence on the mechanical property of FRP reinforced concrete. For FRP-wood structure system, the electrical signal may change obviously when the material temperature is at 50 ℃ , where the separation area is the largest among all test samples. Keywords: fiber-reinforced composite material; long-term performance; damage mode; fire safety performance 近年来对建筑结构中纤维增强复合材料的环境耐 久性进行了大量研究。关键领域主要集中在理解纤维 层和基材之间界面粘结的降解机理上。然而,由于侵 蚀性环境引起的界面劣化的潜在机制尚未完全理解, 需要对现有复合材料结构