Building Technology Development1〜 ? ?
B u ild in g S tru c tu re^n p i^n E
2 0 2 1年2月住宅预制装配式结构施工工艺介绍及重难点分析宋京(北京南悦房地产开发有限公司,北 京 100000)[摘要]装配式建筑采用预制装配式结构,通过预制混凝土结构构件、运输至现场安装的方式,符合节能减排的绿色环保
主 题 、节约人力。 因此以某住宅项目为例,介绍预制装配式结构施工工艺,对重难点问题进行分析并提供应对措施,以期为类
似工程提供借鉴。[关键词]住 宅 ;预 制 ;装 配 式 结 构 ;施 工 工 艺 ;应对措施[中图分类号]T U974 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1001-523X (2021) 04~0003~03会届强筑幵和作苜幵期届强 为交苜流强届.届发, 事强幵和届与作苜幵期届强 卷强与 的交, 卷强与 加期术术期苜作.幵 相届期强幵筑
Analysis of Prefabricated Residential StructureS o n g Jing[ Abstract ] Prefabricated building adopts prefabricated structure, through precast concrete structural components, transportation
to the site for installation, in line with the green theme of energy conservation and emission reduction, and saves manpower.Through
the construction o f residential projects, this paper introduces the construction technology o f prefabricated structure, analyzes the key
and difficult problems and provides corresponding measures, so as to provide reference for similar projects.有 的交,业届和与筑 ] residence ; prefabrication ; prefabricated structure ; construction technology ; countermeasuresd ? y z s ? ? { ?%? ? ?t(y ? ? ?zs{ ? ?
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