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预制混凝土板桩与型钢复合结构在坑中坑支护中的创新应用(论文).pdf 第1页
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建筑施工·第43卷·第9期 1721 预制混凝土板桩与型钢复合结构在坑中坑支护中的创新应用 刘茂林 1 周 莉 2 陈腾龙 1 周星中 1 1. 广城建设集团有限公司 浙江 温州 325000; 2. 华地恒工程咨询有限公司 浙江 温州 325000 摘要: 在当下日趋深、大的复杂深基坑工程中,坑中坑的情况已非常常见,其对基坑工程的安全和进度等会造成一定 的影响,需在保证施工安全的前提下,采取经济、适用的支护措施。简要阐述了坑中坑基坑支护的设计现状及常见的 几种支护形式。以杭州运河中央公园(二期)项目的坑中坑施工为例,分析了坑中坑施工难点,提出了3种较为新型的 坑中坑支护形式进行方案比选,考虑安全性、经济性、适用性及文明施工程度等因素,确定了预制混凝土板桩与型钢 复合结构的新型支护方法。介绍了该新型支护方法的工艺要点和应用效益。该新型支护方法操作简便、安全性好、综 合效益高,在坑中坑施工中具有较好的借鉴意义。 关键词: 坑中坑;新型支护方法;预制混凝土板桩;工字钢;复合结构 中图分类号: T U 753 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1 004-1 001(2 021)0 9-1 721-0 4 DOI: 1 0.1 4144/j. c nki. jz sg .2 021.0 9.0 08 Innovative Application of Precast Concrete Sheet Pile and Profi le Steel Composite Structure in Pit-in-pit Support LIU Maolin 1 ZHOU Li 2 CHEN Tenglong 1 ZHOU Xingzhong 1 1. Guangcheng Construction Group Co., Ltd., Wenzhou, Zhejiang 325000, China; 2. Huadiheng Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd., Wenzhou, Zhejiang 325000, China Abstract: In recent increasingly deep and large complex deep foundation pit engineering, the situation of pit- in-pit is very common, which will have a certain impact on the safety and progress of foundation pit engineering. It is necessary to take economic and applicable support measures on the premise of ensuring the construction safety. This paper briefly expounds the design status of pit- in-pit support and several common support forms. Taking the pit- in-pit construction of Hangzhou canal Central Park (phase Ⅱ) project as an example, this paper analyzes the construction difficulties of pit- in- pit, puts forward three relatively new support forms of pit- in-pit, compares and selects the schemes, and determines the new support method of precast concrete sheet pile and profile steel composite structure, considering the factors of safety, economy, applicability and civilized construction degree. The technological points and application benefits of the new support method are introduced. The new support method is easy to operate, safe and has high comprehensive benefits and good reference significance in pit- in-pit construction. Keywords: p it - in -p it ; n ew s u p port m eth od ; p re cast c oncre te s h eet p ile ; I- b eam ; c om posit e s tr u ctu re 地基基础 FOUNDATION BED & FOUNDATION 中 坑基坑的设计,吴铭炳等 [7 ]认 为其设计难点在于基坑计 算 深度的取值,忽视坑中坑影响,势必会使设计偏于不安 全 ;而若取坑中坑的最大深度,则将使设计过于安全,造 成 造价浪费。为此,吴铭炳等在文章中进一