电总广局电 总 认
2 0 2 1年2月施立届术
C o n s tru c tio n T ech n o lo g y□elTka
Building Technology Development ~??????近距穿越邻近建筑物施工技术探讨刘松地(南宁轨道交通集团有限责任公司,南 宁 530000)[摘要]对地铁浅埋暗挖法 超 近 距 穿 越 邻 近 建 筑 物 施 工 技 术 进 行 分 析 研 究 。通过具体工程案例对地铁浅埋暗挖法超近
距穿越邻近建筑物施工技术的具体施工技术作业要点进行详细的分析总结。并提出了施工作业过程中,施工技术实施的控制要 点 。[关键词]地 铁 ;浅 埋 暗 挖 ;超 近 距 穿 越 :施工技术期 中图分类号]TU71 ; U455.49 [文献标志码] B [文 章 编 号 ]1001-523X (2021) 0 4 - 0 0 2 8 - 0 2加期筑苜作筑筑期届强 届强 会届强筑幵和作苜幵期届强 为交苜流强届.届发, 届术 位作开交和 会.届筑交 会和届筑筑期强发 第与《卷苜交强幵 关作期.与期强发筑
by Shallow Buried and Subsurface Excavation MethodLiu Song-di?Abstract ] This paper analyzes and studies the construction technology o f super close passing through adjacent buildings by
shallow buried and subsurface excavation method. Through specific engineering cases, this paper analyzes and summarizes the specific
construction technical operation points o f the construction technology o f super close distance crossing adjacent buildings by shallow
buried and subsurface excavation method. It also puts forward the control points o f construction technology implementation in the
construction process.[Keywords ] subway ; shallow buried excavation ; ultra-close crossing ; construction technology ~ ] ^ ? % @ e 5 ] ^ K ? 2 q ? y%@e5I
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