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真空压实下沥青混合料压实性能评价研究(论文).pdf 第1页
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第 5O卷第 3期 2018年 6月 西安建筑科技大学学报(自然科学版) J.Xi an Univ.of Arch.8L Tech.(Natural Science Edition) VoI.50 NO.3 Jun.2018 DOI:10.15986/j.1006—7930.2018.03.009 真 空 压 实 下 沥 青 混 合 料 压 实 性 能 评 价 研 究 朱 武 威 一, 马 景 存 ”, 姚 运 仕 。, 王 瑞 龙 , 冯 忠 绪 (1.长安大学公路养护装备国家工程实验室,陕西 西安 710064;2长安大学道路施工技术与装备教育部重点实验室,陕西西安 710064) 摘要:为了改进沥青路面的压实效果,增长沥青路面的寿命,文 中提出了一种真空击实的方法提高沥青混合料的压实性 能.基于马歇尔击实仪制备真空压实仪并对沥青混合料进行了常规和真空压实对比试验,试验发现在对等的单次击实下和 相同的累积击实次数下,真空下沥青混合料单次击实沉降量和累积沉降量都高于常规击实的沉降量;在不同真空度下对沥 青混合料进行击实试验,试验结果显示真空度一0.08 MPa下击实的累积沉降量最大;通过进一步对常规击实和真空击实 的空隙率和劈裂强度进行试验对比,发现在一0.08 MPa下的空隙率比常规击实下减小了 9.8%,矿料间隙率减小了 2.3 , 劈裂强度提高了 11.52%,试验结果与压实沉降量具有一致性 ,试验结果表明真空压实的微观结构更为紧密,承载力的效 果更好 ,真空压实能够大大提高沥青路面的压实度 ,改进沥青路面质量. 关键词:沥青路面;真空压实;沉降量;空隙率;劈裂强度 中图分类号:U414 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006—7930(2018)03—0368—05 Evaluation of rom paction perform ance of asphalt m ixture under vacuum com paction ZHU Wuwei 一,MA Jingcun 一,YAO Yunshi ,WANG Ruilong 一,FENG Zhongxu ' (1.National Engineering Laboratory for Highway Maintenance Equipment,Chang an University,Xi an 710064,China; 2.Key Laboratory of Road Construction Technology and Equipment of MOE,Chang an University,Xi an 710064,China) Abstract:In order to improve the compaction effect of asphalt pavement and its service performance,a vacuum compaction method is proposed. A vacuum compactor was manufactured based on Marshall compactor and conventional and vacuum compaction tests on asphalt mixture were carried out by it.It iS found that.under the equivalent single compaction times and the same cumulative compaction times,the single compaction settlement and cumulative settlement of asphalt mixture under vacuum are higher than those of conventional compaction.The compaction tests of asphalt mixture under different vacuum degrees show that the accumulative settlement of compaction at the vacuum of一0.08 MPa is the largest.By further comparing tests,it is found that,at一0.08 MPa the void fraction is 9.8 V00 lower than that of conventional compaction,and voids in Mineral Aggregate decreases by 2.3 and the splitting strength increases by 1 1.52 .which are consistent with the compaction settlement.These test results show that the microstructure of vacuum compaction iS more compact and the effect of bearing capacity is better,and vacuum compaction can greatly improve the compaction degree of asphalt pavement and the quality of asphalt pavement. Key wo